Now we are losing freedom to speak

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
"The government has apparently decided that the best defense is a good offense — in it's brief, filed last week, it now argues that it not only can ban books published by corporations — it could ban books even if published by individuals."

Why can some of us see what is going on and others are so blind to it??
I think most of us have been taught to just go along in apathy, and not to think for ourselves or question authority.

At least if you see what's going on you can prepare for it, and know what's coming, unlike the poor sheople :peace:


I think most of us have been taught to just go along in apathy, and not to think for ourselves or question authority.

At least if you see what's going on you can prepare for it, and know what's coming, unlike the poor sheople :peace:

good post. most people are tools


Well-Known Member
Obumas gunna pay muh car note, my kidz healthz carez, ana hesa gunna gat meh sum jordanz.
Dear idiot, please learn how government operates. Since this was a Supreme Court ruling Obama had zelch to do with it, but a majority of the Supreme Court was appointed by your hero Bush and his father.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Dear idiot, please learn how government operates. Since this was a Supreme Court ruling Obama had zelch to do with it, but a majority of the Supreme Court was appointed by your hero Bush and his father.

How about you learn how government works son. Google filibuster and Bush, then get back to us.


Well-Known Member
"The government has apparently decided that the best defense is a good offense — in it's brief, filed last week, it now argues that it not only can ban books published by corporations — it could ban books even if published by individuals."

Why can some of us see what is going on and others are so blind to it??
I wish them lots of luck with that, because short of destroying the internet they will not be able to prevent people from using desktop publishing tools to publish their thoughts on websites, express their opinions in online forums, and make books available per PDFs.

But on a side note... what was I saying about new Dark Age a couple weeks ago. I wonder when O-bitch-a will have the mandatory book burn. I'm sure that anything that contains positive references to self-governance, independence, individualism, capitalism, freedom, liberty, rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and negative references to Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Palpot, NAZIs, Socialists, Communists, ACORN, and Obama will be the first things required to be burned.


Active Member
this is simply an oral argument by the supreme court, which operates
independently of obama the satanic baby-eater and enslaver of worlds.
the arguments are based on a particular ruling:

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce-'which upheld a blanket
ban on corporate political spending in order to prevent "distortion" of

since some seem to want to make irrelevant connections between the
executive branch and supreme court, may i point this out the year of
the austin ruling: 1990 oh snap! remember who the president was in
1990? hint: not clinton or obama

grandstanding and bashing while ignoring the facts in 3....2....1.....


Well-Known Member
this is simply an oral argument by the supreme court, which operates
independently of obama the satanic baby-eater and enslaver of worlds.
the arguments are based on a particular ruling:

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce-'which upheld a blanket
ban on corporate political spending in order to prevent "distortion" of
campaigns' -1990

since some seem to want to make irrelevant connections between the
executive branch and supreme court, may i point this out the year of
the austin ruling: 1990 oh snap! remember who the president was in
1990? hint: not clinton or obama

grandstanding and bashing while ignoring the facts in 3....2....1.....
1990? Mr. New World Order Himself... Also Obama LOVES the RULE of LAW!


He also was humping Reagan his words not mine.



Well-Known Member
Hey PVS. I am watching the video atm that Trees posted (It is 2 hours long so I cannot get it all in just yet). But you don't realize, as I didn't. We are arguing on a tilted board.

Trees is where I was when I was a Michael Moore fanatic. Nothing that could have been rationalized to me would have mattered because it was already a conspiracy that is covered by mangling history. So jump in the rabbit hole and watch that video he posted if you can make time. It will help you understand that the entire economic history has been changed in their eyes.

What we are doing is akin to trying to explain the geometry of the golf ball getting hit on the moon landing video was 78 feet and not 88 feet. When they don't even think that there was a moon landing.

And by saying this, I am not saying that you are automatically a conspiracy nut for listening to this, it is just the history that you have bought into. Just like you would argue that all the information that I have gathered through the years in books I have read and news I have heard is stuff that you believe I have bought into.

And by saying this I am not implying that everyone that feels similar to the comments of most on this board don't believe in the moon landing, I am just using it as an example.


Well-Known Member
Hey PVS. I am watching the video atm that Trees posted (It is 2 hours long so I cannot get it all in just yet). But you don't realize, as I didn't. We are arguing on a tilted board.

Trees is where I was when I was a Michael Moore fanatic. Nothing that could have been rationalized to me would have mattered because it was already a conspiracy that is covered by mangling history. So jump in the rabbit hole and watch that video he posted if you can make time. It will help you understand that the entire economic history has been changed in their eyes.
All this info comes from Government Documents, Media, Bills from Congress, and so on. Facts can be proven Opinions can't. I don't blindly follow I go dig for myself. Lastly going back through all of AJ films, all but 2-3 have atleast one person from the Obama admin. RAPING peoples rights.


Active Member
Hey PVS. I am watching the video atm that Trees posted (It is 2 hours long so I cannot get it all in just yet). But you don't realize, as I didn't. We are arguing on a tilted board.

Trees is where I was when I was a Michael Moore fanatic. Nothing that could have been rationalized to me would have mattered because it was already a conspiracy that is covered by mangling history. So jump in the rabbit hole and watch that video he posted if you can make time. It will help you understand that the entire economic history has been changed in their eyes.
i already invested precious hours of my life reviewing the spammings of alex jones and david icke followers, mostly for morbid curiosity. they do a masterful job of creating a sort of reality mossaic....take some facts, some wild speculations, chop them up, throw them back together, make something beautiful....completely false, but all the makings of great cinema.

What we are doing is akin to trying to explain the geometry of the golf ball getting hit on the moon landing video was 78 feet and not 88 feet. When they don't even think that there was a moon landing.

And by saying this, I am not saying that you are automatically a conspiracy nut for listening to this, it is just the history that you have bought into. Just like you would argue that all the information that I have gathered through the years in books I have read and news I have heard is stuff that you believe I have bought into.

And by saying this I am not implying that everyone that feels similar to the comments of most on this board don't believe in the moon landing, I am just using it as an example.
i'm more attempting to appeal to the conservative crowd, which is admittedly just as futile. at least the conspiracy people, however unreachable, tend to be a more polite and don't feel the need to grandstand and insult...though everyone seems to ultimately want to ignore valid points and have a 1-way conversation.


Well-Known Member
i already invested precious hours of my life reviewing the spammings of alex jones and david icke followers, mostly for morbid curiosity. they do a masterful job of creating a sort of reality mossaic....take some facts, some wild speculations, chop them up, throw them back together, make something beautiful....completely false, but all the makings of great cinema.

Please start debunking if true. We aren't talking about Reptoids from planet Pop Tart. Please use Reputable Links To FACTS. Thank You!


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy theories aside, I'm just worried about the shit that I see our congress "debating" over... I never thought that the US government would be seriously debating taking away personal freedoms (If you think that passing a law to tax cow farts is going to help the world become a better place, you are sadly mistaken!!! All this will do is give a government employee with a small dick complex the right to control anyone they see fit by enforcing a bullshit law and stealing people's money. What makes people think that the government will take care of us? It's still made up of a bunch of humans... History has shown us time and time again: A government that regulates too much becomes corrupt! That's why the founding fathers started a new country and went to war with England...) The reason people come from all over the world to America is because there was this facade of freedom... But if you listen to the plans that are being proposed by the government, they don't talk about freedom. They talk about government regulation of nearly EVERY aspect of our lives. (PS, I could be mistaken, but I saw this on C-SPAN, and last time I checked that was the congress channel, not a conspiracy youtube video... but maybe I could be enlightened... )


Active Member
Please start debunking if true. We aren't talking about Reptoids from planet Pop Tart. Please use Reputable Links To FACTS. Thank You!
are you suggesting that i should spend the next year methodically researching david icke/alex jones theories, debunking them, and siting evidence for your amusement, so that in the end you can just ignore it all and go on posting youtube videos while i lament the loss of one year of my life? really? REALLY?


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy theories aside, I'm just worried about the shit that I see our congress "debating" over... I never thought that the US government would be seriously debating taking away personal freedoms (If you think that passing a law to tax cow farts is going to help the world become a better place, you are sadly mistaken!!! All this will do is give a government employee with a small dick complex the right to control anyone they see fit by enforcing a bullshit law and stealing people's money. What makes people think that the government will take care of us? It's still made up of a bunch of humans... History has shown us time and time again: A government that regulates too much becomes corrupt! That's why the founding fathers started a new country and went to war with England...) The reason people come from all over the world to America is because there was this facade of freedom... But if you listen to the plans that are being proposed by the government, they don't talk about freedom. They talk about government regulation of nearly EVERY aspect of our lives. (PS, I could be mistaken, but I saw this on C-SPAN, and last time I checked that was the congress channel, not a conspiracy youtube video... but maybe I could be enlightened... )
Spoken like a true terrorist.:hug:


Well-Known Member
I believe they would be better suited to ban the hate slandering of each other politically on national television and the radio.

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