Now we are losing freedom to speak


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy theories aside, I'm just worried about the shit that I see our congress "debating" over... I never thought that the US government would be seriously debating taking away personal freedoms (If you think that passing a law to tax cow farts is going to help the world become a better place, you are sadly mistaken!!! All this will do is give a government employee with a small dick complex the right to control anyone they see fit by enforcing a bullshit law and stealing people's money. What makes people think that the government will take care of us? It's still made up of a bunch of humans... History has shown us time and time again: A government that regulates too much becomes corrupt! That's why the founding fathers started a new country and went to war with England...) The reason people come from all over the world to America is because there was this facade of freedom... But if you listen to the plans that are being proposed by the government, they don't talk about freedom. They talk about government regulation of nearly EVERY aspect of our lives. (PS, I could be mistaken, but I saw this on C-SPAN, and last time I checked that was the congress channel, not a conspiracy youtube video... but maybe I could be enlightened... )
The problem with c-span is that it is just blabbering of politicians more often than not without any actual reality in it. It is all a show for the 'news' channels to get some soundbites.

The cow farts was covered in another thread.

The EPA did a study of all the forms of green house gases, and one that they looked at was the farts. They then listed a few ways that would curb the methane from it through things like Diet, supplements in the diet, better quality water and food ect.

But that was where it ended. It never said that they need to tax anything, and the EPA just did a very broad stroke scientific study of greenhouse gas emissions and from there the Republican base picked it up as the ultimate lightning rod to attack the 'clean energy' as rediculous.

I agree that on the whole scale the government is/can be corrupt. But the companies are just as corrupt. Again I point to how much they went off the bend with water pollution back in the day. Everything was an attack against the science and the people that were getting cancer was because of every other reason other than the water pollution. But because of that there are actually fish in the Rouge river in Detroit, and Lake Erie is now pretty ok to be in.


Well-Known Member
The problem with c-span is that it is just blabbering of politicians more often than not without any actual reality in it. It is all a show for the 'news' channels to get some soundbites.

The cow farts was covered in another thread.

The EPA did a study of all the forms of green house gases, and one that they looked at was the farts. They then listed a few ways that would curb the methane from it through things like Diet, supplements in the diet, better quality water and food ect.

But that was where it ended. It never said that they need to tax anything, and the EPA just did a very broad stroke scientific study of greenhouse gas emissions and from there the Republican base picked it up as the ultimate lightning rod to attack the 'clean energy' as rediculous.

I agree that on the whole scale the government is/can be corrupt. But the companies are just as corrupt. Again I point to how much they went off the bend with water pollution back in the day. Everything was an attack against the science and the people that were getting cancer was because of every other reason other than the water pollution. But because of that there are actually fish in the Rouge river in Detroit, and Lake Erie is now pretty ok to be in.
Free markets already looking at solutions, the government is as usual a day late, a buck short, and proposing solutions that line their pockets instead of real solutions.

CO2 - Plant some more trees...

Methane from Cow farts - well, apparently the solution is to feed the cows a more natural diet of alfalfa and other non-corn crops. (I'd post a link to the article that was talking about this, but I don't remember when, or where I saw it.)

People not having insurance, wages too "low" - encourage job creation by lowering taxes and reducing regulation so that more people have jobs. Instead the government is proposing to discourage job creation by punishing small businesses, raising taxes and mandating that everyone gets insurance. Encouraging job creation, if it is sufficient to create conditions where employers need more bodies then there are people available will result in bidding wars between companies over employees. Wages go up, benefits go up, and the government works with the markets instead of against them.

The solutions being proposed by Obama and his Democrats are nothing short of Nazi-esque in their expansion of government's intrusion into the privacy of everyone's lives. It is absurd to believe that these same people are the one's that scream about a woman's right to privacy around an abortion and then support legislation that deprive people of their right to have their expenditures chosen by themselves and in private.

Instead of choosing to adopt policies that demonstrate a firm understanding of economic principles and logic the government (either party) routinely ignores economic principles and chooses illogical, short-sighted courses based on nothing more than "they sound good" or can be spun to sound good, because the government isn't going to disclose everything. The recent healthcare bill is a good case against government intervention. Under the government, instead of Healthcare being reduced in cost (by states opening up their insurance markets to allow people to make choices for themselves) the government is mandating that every person has a minimal plan. They ignore the fact that individuals have separate needs, desires, goals, and wants, and try to make one size fits all legislation that is inefficient and will ultimately result in healthcare consuming more resources.
They ignore the fact that healthcare is a finite resource and thus subject to the rules of supply and demand.

If they were truly concerned about costs they wouldn't be going on and on about insurance (which is only expensive in markets that mandate minimum plans that cover plastic surgery, sex changes and other gold plated services that the common person doesn't want) but about the lack of doctors being produced by the United States.

If they wanted to encourage wealth they would ignore minimum wage laws (which probably have a negative impact on tax receipts) and focus on education and training.

Our government, instead of being a benevolent leader is routinely operating as a malignant tyranny.


Well-Known Member
Free markets already looking at solutions, the government is as usual a day late, a buck short, and proposing solutions that line their pockets instead of real solutions.

CO2 - Plant some more trees...

Methane from Cow farts - well, apparently the solution is to feed the cows a more natural diet of alfalfa and other non-corn crops. (I'd post a link to the article that was talking about this, but I don't remember when, or where I saw it.)

People not having insurance, wages too "low" - encourage job creation by lowering taxes and reducing regulation so that more people have jobs. Instead the government is proposing to discourage job creation by punishing small businesses, raising taxes and mandating that everyone gets insurance. Encouraging job creation, if it is sufficient to create conditions where employers need more bodies then there are people available will result in bidding wars between companies over employees. Wages go up, benefits go up, and the government works with the markets instead of against them.

The solutions being proposed by Obama and his Democrats are nothing short of Nazi-esque in their expansion of government's intrusion into the privacy of everyone's lives. It is absurd to believe that these same people are the one's that scream about a woman's right to privacy around an abortion and then support legislation that deprive people of their right to have their expenditures chosen by themselves and in private.

Instead of choosing to adopt policies that demonstrate a firm understanding of economic principles and logic the government (either party) routinely ignores economic principles and chooses illogical, short-sighted courses based on nothing more than "they sound good" or can be spun to sound good, because the government isn't going to disclose everything. The recent healthcare bill is a good case against government intervention. Under the government, instead of Healthcare being reduced in cost (by states opening up their insurance markets to allow people to make choices for themselves) the government is mandating that every person has a minimal plan. They ignore the fact that individuals have separate needs, desires, goals, and wants, and try to make one size fits all legislation that is inefficient and will ultimately result in healthcare consuming more resources.
They ignore the fact that healthcare is a finite resource and thus subject to the rules of supply and demand.

If they were truly concerned about costs they wouldn't be going on and on about insurance (which is only expensive in markets that mandate minimum plans that cover plastic surgery, sex changes and other gold plated services that the common person doesn't want) but about the lack of doctors being produced by the United States.

If they wanted to encourage wealth they would ignore minimum wage laws (which probably have a negative impact on tax receipts) and focus on education and training.

Our government, instead of being a benevolent leader is routinely operating as a malignant tyranny.
Amen to that! Can't rep you and others again for a while but nicely said. It is all about CONTROL and NOTHING to do with health care. If this thing passes I swear I'll go postal!


Well-Known Member
Amen to that! Can't rep you and others again for a while but nicely said. It is all about CONTROL and NOTHING to do with health care. If this thing passes I swear I'll go postal!
I concur!
The US is the last place where people can be "free". We've already lost a TON of freedoms, let's not sign the contract to sell our souls, too.
What I see happening is the government borrowing a shit ton of money to "help" the people and giving it to government agencies... then (since they SWORE that the US people would pay it back) they will tax the shit out of the average citizens to fund the government agencies who's jobs are to "regulate" us and tax us more to keep their "business" growing....
ooooff... i dont know... I'm tired of worrying about this shit... I wish government would fuck off all over the world and people could just chill, grow food, bud, share with their neighbors and have fun... Too bad in the real world that could never happen because there's always someone looking to control someone else... :(



Well-Known Member
I concur!
The US is the last place where people can be "free". We've already lost a TON of freedoms, let's not sign the contract to sell our souls, too.
What I see happening is the government borrowing a shit ton of money to "help" the people and giving it to government agencies... then (since they SWORE that the US people would pay it back) they will tax the shit out of the average citizens to fund the government agencies who's jobs are to "regulate" us and tax us more to keep their "business" growing....
ooooff... i dont know... I'm tired of worrying about this shit... I wish government would fuck off all over the world and people could just chill, grow food, bud, share with their neighbors and have fun... Too bad in the real world that could never happen because there's always someone looking to control someone else... :(

Nice one! +rep