nug prices


stays relevant.
I pay around $25 a gram for the best flowers, and around $80.00 a gram for the purest concentrates.

-GrowTech :)


Well-Known Member
weed doesnt seem to last very long for me so i wouldnt pay anywhere near $80 a gram. although the shit i get around here probably isnt anything like what you guys can get. jeez i wonder what $80 a gram would taste, smell and look like not alone how high i would be. i could get dank around here but it could take awhile and when i did get it it would most likely be overpriced.


Active Member
woow i live in canada too
more specific edmoton ablerta
anyways i pay 25-30 for an eighth
$50 for a quarter ann about 80-100 for half [depends on if its good err not]
where abouts you live?