Nute Burn or Deficiency? In flower.

Hi RIU, I'm in week 3 almost week 4 of flower. Here are my symptoms:

-Top parts of plant lighter in color, almost yellowing (from being close to light I presume)
-Leaf tips on NEWER leaves are yellowing, don't see any burning though.
-A few occasional brown necrotic spots on healthy green leaves (Calcium??)
-New growth curling down like a rams horn, but NOT dark green
-Leaf edges and tips feel dry on new and older leaves, more pronounced on older ones.

My hps is 6" away and I fed a full dose of FF trio one week ago, and watered with cal mag 1TSP/gallon 3 days ago.(GB for the N supplement in flower), so that's 2TBSP BB, 2TSP GB, and 2TSP TB in one gallon of water.

PH - 6.6 runoff

So... what is this?


Well-Known Member
I'd say they look ok to me, I'd bring the pH down a bit, maybe around 6.0. I'd also say the nutrient mix could be 1/2 or 3/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
I'm not good with this stuff but the lightening startin to yellow is normally nitrogen deficiency. But get a pros opinion. Hopes works out man. Look nice otherwise!
Okay. Thanks guys! So I'll look at reducing my nutes to 3/4 strength and reducing my pH. Should my next feeding include veg nutes for the boost in N as well this late in the game? Or not?


Well-Known Member
I'd give them RO water to see how they handle what you've given them already. Then give them nutrients, so Water, Nutes, Water, Nutes...etc. etc.