nutradip tri-meter and digital ballast HELP


Well-Known Member
i just got done settin up my room but the tri-meter read outs go crazy from 1.0 to 9.4 on the ph and same deal with the ppm's. i have a dig. ballast and when its off the meters far away does the ballast have to be for this to work help


Well-Known Member
nobody's ran into this???
oh ya this meter is junk i have 2 does your battery even charge? mine doesn't and if you hold the ppm meter near a cfl bulb when its on it reads 6000+ppm LOL for some reason the meter even converts tds ec and ppm on the same scale??????? ec1.5 tds.15 ppm150 ????WTF i thought there was supposed to be a .7 conversion?

i wish i could get my money back or a better meter! it was a great idea but ive had nothing but issues with this thing. i ve to put it as far from my lights and electronics as possible FAR AWAY just to get decent readings. and even then they are suspect!


Well-Known Member
that sux,i just got 2 lumatek 1k's and the nutradip trimeter and soon and i plugged the new lights in the meter went way out to lunch,unplug the lights meter reads fine,i do like the meter aside from that but maybe i could return the meter if and while i still can...:(

btw,has anyone had any luck dealing with this meter running lumateks yet?
I have both trimeter and a digital balast. I was told its the FR put off by the balast screws with the EC in the meter. I dont know what distance to use but my meter is mounted on the outside of my tent and I have the foil bubble wrap for heat protection. That kills my RF feedback. My meter and ballast are about 3-4 feet from each other and I have never had a problem.
Mine is with the readings. On all the forums they say never go above 1200PPM. i go off the botanicare labes and in veg Im at 1150ppm. I use RO water and everything. I use the 1000PPm solution to calibrate it. I just dont know why my readings are so high. My girls seem to be fine cause it was drooping the other day so i upped it to 2000 and it cause some burning so I went back to where its at. Its just fine now. I think it was the high temp I also think I had too much water in my DWC. How do you know what is too much. Im use to ebb and flow. FIrst time with a DWC keeping a mother alive. can any of you help?