Nutrient deficiency, cant identify (potassium?), need some help


Well-Known Member
so my 3 ladys on my balcony have been showing some deficiency signs, and i cant seem to be able to identify what it is. ive checked the the deficiency thread but cant pinpoint what im missing.

3 plants. in rather large pots. fimed into nice bushes. outside on my balcony. i water them with 10 liters every 2-3 days.

i noticed like 1-2 weeks ago. single fan leaves at the bottom yellowing/browning (not like nitrogen, its different) also it seemed to ma as if they where stretching slightly.

here are some pic from when I first noticed:

2015-07-06 19.37.10.jpg

2015-07-06 19.37.42.jpg

2015-07-06 19.38.20.jpg

2015-07-06 19.38.29.jpg

2015-07-06 19.38.39.jpg

so i got a ph checking kit and started checking my water... water was to high (somewhere from 7-8 i guess... it kinda hard to tell judging by the color of the water :/) and i started correctiing it down to like 6 - 7 and since i though that i may be a potassium deficiency i gave them Hesi bloom instead of their normal grow nutes a couple of times.

it didnt get better. the following pictures are from like 5 minutes ago.


2015-07-21 21.38.34.jpg

2015-07-21 21.38.43.jpg

2015-07-21 21.38.53.jpg

Stretching? (the one in the black pot seems to be doing the stretching more then the others)

2015-07-21 21.40.58.jpg

2015-07-21 21.41.38.jpg

Pictures of the progressed leaves in the next post (10 image max.)


Well-Known Member
2015-07-21 21.43.03.jpg

this leaf is little higher up (early stage?)
2015-07-21 21.43.43.jpg

same leaf2015-07-21 21.43.50.jpg

this leaf seems to have some kind of full blown necrosis going on... pulled it of to get a decent picture (was a fan leaf a the very bottom, only one affected in this way)
2015-07-21 21.44.36.jpg

man im sooooo good at taking pictures.... but yeah this is the same leaf that has the necrosis thing going on...
2015-07-21 21.45.41.jpg

2015-07-21 21.45.30.jpg

different fan leaf from the bottom Yellowing progress with fullblown papery necrosis from the tips
2015-07-21 21.45.08.jpg



Well-Known Member
Anybody have an idea what this could be? im thinking maybe it an combination of multiple different things? im kinda clue less what else to try... i check the ph.... gave them a couple of watering with plain water (ph adjusted), gave the some hesi bloom instead ot theirs normal grow nutes for a couple of waterings... im all outta ideas... i kinda have to figure out what it is if i wanna fight it and right now im just speculating wildly...


Active Member
Your early stage picture looks like the damage is starting from the inside. I think a potassium deficiency is supposed to start with the edges. Some of your symptoms do match up, though. It can be really tricky, I've been in the same boat for only a few days with a less progressed problem...

I think potassium deficiency is just barely starting to happening to my plant now, which is a rather large, sturdy bush and still growing fast. (image below) I'm in a very large pot (100 gallons) and it had been quite some time since I fertilized, a whole month, before symptoms started very slowly with only the lowest, larger fan leaves. None of my more recently fertilized, smaller plants have this (again another indication of K deficiency since large branchy plants use more.)

If you have been fertilizing regularly then its a lot more likely that you need less of something than more.


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Active Member
Today I also found the red/purple speckling starting on the petioles of the lower leaves that are affected, which I believe I've read in some guides is another symptom of K deficiency, maybe check for that too.