Nutrients and PPM

I have finally completed my System (Kudos to myself :)..) And now I am lookin into nutrients... I have become extremely interested in the 3 Part Flora Nutrient Seris...

I like how it has intructons for the beginner/novice grower and I have heard great things about this seris.

My question(s) start here... The bottle have intructions on how much of each of the chemicals to add in the different stages of the plants life (I.e. Veg and Flower) well I also hear people talk about 1/4 ans 1/3 and 1/2 strength nutrients... Does that mean I use that strength of nutrients and work my way up through the growin process and use the main intructions simply as a full strength solution that I can basis my strength of solution off (I.e. Bottle says 4mL.... For 1/4 strength is us 1mL?)

Anyone have a chart how much to start with and end with like a progression chart as far as the strength of my solution goes....?

And lastly wtf is PPM? Ik it stands for Parts Per Million.... But ill be honest wtf haha... What is it and how do I incorperate it into my grow....

^^^ I'm guessing its a measurement of the strength of solution... That is gauged off how much water there is in a million parts of water... And the difference of the number is my nutrient strength?^^^

Idk ima go smoke a L and check back in with you Pros later... Ha

As always all replys are helpful and appreciated thanks for your time... Smoke all day Everyday.... Peace



Well-Known Member
Wiz Khalifa rules!

To answer your question dude yeah the bottles tell you what to put it because of course they want you to use as much as possible and come back to buy more. Growers have learned that to avoid nutrient burn they start at 1/4 strength in seedling stage. For instance your seedlings should start out at 1/4 strength check back the next day and add some more and so on until she is mature enough to handle full strength. Also take into consideration your PPM of water whether it be tap or R/O ( Reverse Osmosis ) the PPM of your water also plays into your total PPM count. PPM is basically whats in your water even as your plants mature they shit through there roots and that ends up in the water and could add more PPM.. ya under smell me?


Well-Known Member
To anwser your 1st question, yes 1/2 of strenght means you start your dose at 1/2 strenght and then work your way up, simple ;) If your planing on using Flora Series you could try "Lucas Formula" ;) Simple and effective.
PPM just respresents how much nutriens you got in your water ( water alone has some ppm), and if you want grow properly, get a good PH and PPM (EC) meter, they will come useful ;)

Uh and the chart for general hydroponics feeding;
Ha beaver I know he does! Mac Miller is fuckin legit too... And thank you both of you guys these are the types of replys I like to get back