Nutrients: Price vs Results


Well-Known Member
I am a first-time grower with what I think is probably above average knowledge (for a first-timer) going into things - just no hands on experience. I am currently using generic nutes that I bought at Canadian Tire. I've recently done up a few clones and am getting fairly good success rates with this last batch (80% or so as of last night), so I'm looking to buy some nutes more tailored to what I want.

I don't have a whole lot of money to work with, so A.N. is wayyyy out of the question - although I have full intentions of trying 'em out down the line. I'm just looking for some opinions here, not so much a debate. What do you fine folks suggest I use as a decent middle ground nutrient line up, keeping the whole price/results thing in mind?


Well-Known Member
general hydroponics are cheap and work good when your on a budget get a p/k booster for flowering and you should be happy with your yields


Well-Known Member
GH! for sure if on budget cheap and decent yeald.. but when your ready 2 step t up try super naural.. great product


Active Member
I'm also using cns17. Good results and i'm paying $28 a gallon....the only thing i dont like is K is higher than N in the cns17 grow. From what i read that can significantly reduce females in the female to male ratio. Are the higher priced nutrients even worth it really? like the advanced nutrients connoisseur?


Well-Known Member
If uve read any of the wise literature of the great al b fuct then you'll kno amazing results are simple as getting the right npk ratio during the life of the plant.. not $100 bottles of "snake oils".personally I've never used AN so I'm not speaking from personal experience just basic horticultr principles that inexpensive fertilizers can get the job done adequitly and cheaper


Active Member
If uve read any of the wise literature of the great al b fuct then you'll kno amazing results are simple as getting the right npk ratio during the life of the plant.. not $100 bottles of "snake oils".personally I've never used AN so I'm not speaking from personal experience just basic horticultr principles that inexpensive fertilizers can get the job done adequitly and cheaper
While i respect your experience, if that's true then why aren't we all using miracle grow tomato? I understand your point about "snake oils" but i think we should factor in technology. Through scientific testing and experimentation we are learning new ways to push our girls to produce the results we are looking for. For instance using the same chemicals that are used to make seedless watermelons to reverse hermaphrodites. Some might argue that we are getting so many choices that choosing between different nutes that fall into the same category is 6 of one and half dozen of the other. I was just wondering if the results of the connoisseur was that much above everything else justifying the price.


Well-Known Member
No doubt technology has come a long way in biology and plant has the shady market and business practices for marijuana specific fertilizing companies.. that's all I'm saying. and not just AN specifically, most companies these days have some kind of marketing scheme towards marijuana specific products . I'm all for people goin to my local grow shop n dropping hundreds on nutes and supporting a small local business...


Active Member
No doubt technology has come a long way in biology and plant has the shady market and business practices for marijuana specific fertilizing companies.. that's all I'm saying. and not just AN specifically, most companies these days have some kind of marketing scheme towards marijuana specific products . I'm all for people goin to my local grow shop n dropping hundreds on nutes and supporting a small local business...

My old career was sales and marketing. I jokingly refer to it as legal con artistry with a spin. Maybe I'm a little naive in believing that you still get what you pay for. I'm not sure that i wanna know how much I've spent at my local shop. If i had to guess probably around 2000. That's where i discovered cns17. speaking of, from a fellow user how do you feel about the npk ratio of the grow? everything i've read says higher k than n increases the chance of females. Your take? Also, does it have to look like day old jizz? Those are about the only complaints i have with it. My last harvest was cns17 from start to finish with cal-mag and floralicious plus and my buds looked great.


Well-Known Member
this is my first hydro run with cns17, with calmag and hydroplex for the pk booster..ive been using pure pro till now with good results. but so far my plants love it amazing growth since i put clones onto the table last week. i always use clones so im not to worried bout sex with seeds. haha ya the first time i was measuring my nute mix i was like eww that looks like jizz haha the guy at the hydro store said people running aero have problems with clogged misters and build up since its so thick in milky, but im running flood in drain so im not to worried. my only complaints is the amount to mix per gallon. so a gallon should go pretty quick in 2 40 gallon res but ya its only $30 for a gallon so it still should be alot cheaper then PP for a full grow.