

Active Member
This is my first grow, and I have just bought some nutrients for both vegitative stage and the flowering stage.
For vegitative, i got EcoGrow, 20-6-12
and for Flowering, i got EcoBloon, 3-35-10
Are these okay to use? Also, is there anything else i should get?

Thank you!! :)


Well-Known Member
I think you should ask if certain nutes are ok to use BEFORE you go out and buy them.

The grow seems a bit high in N and the bloom seems high in P. Start with a 1/4 strength and see how it works.


Well-Known Member
That should be fine I've used 20-20-20 for veg for years..I wanted a flower ratio like yours but I waited till it was sold out.. so I used 10-52-10.. you want a high N for veg the P + K can be lower..for flower a high P..then K..and lowest N... I don't feed till about a month in and start at 1/4 strength as mentioned ^^^.. Luck..


Active Member
Also when you are feeding your plant, you mix your nutes in with the water (1/4 strength as suggested), how much of that mixture do I give the plants? Would I water it until I can see some water coming out the bottom?


Well-Known Member
I think you should ask if certain nutes are ok to use BEFORE you go out and buy them.

The grow seems a bit high in N and the bloom seems high in P. Start with a 1/4 strength and see how it works.
you should either answer the damn question or S-T F-U. what kinda bullshit post is that to a simple question.


Well-Known Member
I think you should ask if certain nutes are ok to use BEFORE you go out and buy them.

The grow seems a bit high in N and the bloom seems high in P. Start with a 1/4 strength and see how it works. one cares what you think. WTF. What kinda shit is that to start an answer with ???? Mook