Nyc deisel


Well-Known Member
i have smoked many buds conscidering i live in socal and am a medical patient, and the sour diesel is the best bud hands down ive ever had, im also growing some right now that i got from clones. It isnt the best bud for beginners to grow, i have three phenotypes an indica a sativa and a mix. The sativa is very hypersensitive to nutes


New Member
Wow I Cant Beleive How Much You Guys Praise Diesel To Tell You The Truth If You Are Paying 500 -700 For An Oz Of Diesel U Are Fucking Retarded Even Paying 150 For A Quad (7 Grams ) Is Retarded So I Dunno Maybe You Guys Just Havent Smoked The Kind Of Weed I Have Like Kush Or La Confidential, Alaskan Thunderfuck, Sensi Star. I Dont Remeber Who Posted It But Some1 Said They Felt A Body High From Diesel Which Is A Sativa Obviously Ur Friends Were Right Lol Um I Dunno I Just Dont Like Smokin Diesel Cu It Just Inhances The Flavor Of My Lighter Fluid. I Dunno Maybe You Guys Have Smoked Way Beeter Diesel Then Me Or Maybe Its Just Not That Good Of A Strain I Mean Out Of All The Strains I Think This One Is Way Over Ratted Compared To The Purple Strains. Im Not Trying To Hate I Just Wanna Know Y Everyone Thinks Diesel Is Really That Good?


Well-Known Member
i completly agree with kushking, stupid ass people paying that much, i'm on kushking's page i can pretty much get anything, and still get it for 300 an once,i just cant believe some one would pay 6oo to 700 for a once, and believe me i love the diesel, infact im blazing a diesel dooby right now


Well-Known Member
nyc diesel and sour diesel are not the same. rezdog, made sour diesel and is the only person who sells sour diesel seeds. soma has a good diesel from what i've heard but, it ain't sour diesel and they aren't related at all. that's from rez himself, you can't get sour diesel seeds right now but, there are three hybrids from rez on seedbay and seedboutique the only places rez sells his gear. if you live in a state that has clubs or co ops your herb prices are going to be much cheaper. but, if you live on the east coast and want the real deal kill 5 to 7 a oz. is right on. if you say sour d isn't one of the greatest smokes ever you haven't been smoking true sour d. if it doesn't come from rez it's not sour d, plan and simple. what herb do you know can funk up the whole room in a jar, in your pocket, with the lid still on? none, but, sour d and i done ran through the best of the best.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I am currently grow a sour Diesel plant...I got a clone from my local club...She is looking great... will show you pictures of her tomorrow when I take some of her...The smell is amazing...Cant wait to smoke her up!!!!

Ps. that is her in my avatar picture...she is much bigger now!!!


Active Member
i have some reputed sour d's germin right now .What growth pattern do they take on i.e. branchy or single cola .do they like lots or nutes or not ,floweringtime etc. fyi dreamtime from mr nice has crazy phenos good and bad, but has crazy chrystals and power.


Well-Known Member
i have some reputed sour d's germin right now .What growth pattern do they take on i.e. branchy or single cola .do they like lots or nutes or not ,floweringtime etc. fyi dreamtime from mr nice has crazy phenos good and bad, but has crazy chrystals and power.
As far as i can tell My Sour Diesel Does NOT like Nutes...Everytime I give her some she gets burned tips.


Well-Known Member
Are you doing a soil or hydro grow?
Im doing a soil grow...Have her in a 5 gallon pot...Just giving her straight water...I had her under lights for a while...until the heat got to over a 100 in my grow box due to bad circulation...Now I have her In a great outdoors location...She gets Direct sunlight from 7:30am-6:45pm.Next Time I go and water her I will take some pics.


Active Member
I would use foxfarms but that's just my opinion. Only feed 1/4 strength nutes and only feed every so often not every water. Be sure to flush a week before harvest.