Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

mr west

Well-Known Member
cool, cheers your plants look good. I cant get over how big the fan leaves are on my bub, ill take some more pics tomoz as ive been away this weekend and cant be arsed right now lol.


Well-Known Member
Actually got me some deiselryder to put alongside the LR2s next time. Looked like about the strongest LR cross available right now.

I'll be interested to see exactly when the DR finishes. Also interested how they hold up against stress, mould etc as I'm thinking of trying to get 2 outdoor crops out of the summer. :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
fed my plants today same as b4 the ryders are well tall now wish i could find my tape lol. first few are ryders last few are bub. Check the last one is my youngest bub and its grown a fat stem and is tallest in the box now so im checkin for balls lol.



Well-Known Member
yes all six seeds are up and out the soil. the one i had to free from seed casing is happy and seems fine.

grow looks great, i had to "free some plants" from their seed casing as well, 10 days in and its still had its seed hangin haha


Reload Radio is pretty cool if your a DnB/Techno fan

mr west

Well-Known Member
grow looks great, i had to "free some plants" from their seed casing as well, 10 days in and its still had its seed hangin haha


Reload Radio is pretty cool if your a DnB/Techno fan
I dont listen all the time jus now and again. I should change my signeture

mr west

Well-Known Member
i like your grow log - i'll be watching!

ps: your grow area looks really clean and professional :blsmoke:
hahaha your kidding right my grow area is my bed room wordrobe lol m bed room is a mess but no room for mess inthe drobe lol too much plants:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
i saw baby balls on one of my bubs, so i pulled it out the box. he can sit on my bedside table for now lol.

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
I finally ordered my DR's a couple of days ago. I'm waiting patiently. You guys ever think of breeding 2 DR's for seeds. I asked Dr.Zoidberg about any problems with the inbreeding, and he said there shouldn't be any. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I can get my hands on a working camera and start my own growlog.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I finally ordered my DR's a couple of days ago. I'm waiting patiently. You guys ever think of breeding 2 DR's for seeds. I asked Dr.Zoidberg about any problems with the inbreeding, and he said there shouldn't be any. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I can get my hands on a working camera and start my own growlog.
I think i got a good healthy male bubblelicious so i may have a go at pollernating a bud or two of the dr's, what do u think a lower bud or main cola?


Well-Known Member
Looking mighty fine man, i'm subscribed, I've got a bubblegum in with my lowryders as well good combo I reckon, my bubble looks exactly like yours and I suspect male , my first low grow the plants only reached one foot each, the ones I got now are 16-17 inch's and only a couple of days ahead of your's, I think thetre's 3 of us with lwo grows due to be done around the same time lol should be sweet, what height are them fine bitch's?=)