Obama bombs ...


New Member
Obama’s Iran Policy Is a Bomb
After what’s happened in Iran in recent days, Obama’s plan is simply impossible.

By Jonah Goldberg

Here is the one immutable fact of Barack Obama’s foreign-policy agenda as it relates to Iran: It’s over. The rule book he came in with is as irrelevant as a tourist guide to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

If the forces of reform and democracy win, Obama’s plan to negotiate with the regime is moot, for the regime will be gone. And if the forces of reform are crushed into submission by the regime, Obama’s plan is moot, because the regime will still be there.

Politics and decency will simply demand that the world condemn or shun the regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei if they come out on top. Even the most soulless realists will be repulsed by the blood on the regime’s collective hands.

Before June 12, Obama’s eagerness to negotiate with Ahmadinejad — ridiculed by his conservative critics — was hailed by the establishment and the Left as proof of his high-minded faith in diplomacy, a healthy antidote to George W. Bush’s allegedly close-minded approach.

But now, if the clerical junta prevails, anyone who shakes Ahmadinejad’s hands will have a hard time washing the blood off his own.

For some reason, Obama cannot fully accept this. In his press conference Tuesday, the president finally condemned the outrages in Iran in terms he should have used a week ago. But he also kept alive the idea that the current Iranian regime could be a fruitful negotiation partner, despite what has already happened in that country. “It’s not too late,” Obama explained, for the regime to negotiate with the international community. He wouldn’t even cancel plans to invite Iranian officials to Fourth of July barbecues at American embassies.

That amounts to tacit approval of the bloodshed and fraud that we’ve already seen and acceptance of the ultimate triumph of the regime. And it won’t work.

According to many analysts, Obama’s still clinging to his hope of talking Iran out of its nuclear program. That’s why he initially said there was little difference between Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Ahmadinejad, and why his recent denunciations only followed similar rhetoric from the Europeans and our own Congress. He just doesn’t want to let go of the diplomacy option.

No doubt this is part of his rationale. But Obama has also made it clear that he sees the elimination of Iran’s nuclear problem not as a stand-alone priority but as one part of his Middle East two-step. His inseparable goal is to also push Israel into a peace settlement with the Palestinians. As an unnamed Iran expert in contact with White House officials told Foreign Policy’s Laura Rozen, “Obama is dedicated to diplomacy in a manner that is almost ideological. . . . He wants to do some stuff in the Middle East over the next eight years. He may not be able to achieve half of them unless he gets this huge piece of the puzzle (Iran) right.”

That “stuff” seems to be some grand Middle East transformation, whereby Obama promises to negotiate away Iran’s nuclear program in return for Israeli movement on an Israeli-Palestinian settlement. In effect, Obama would be using the threat of a nuclear-armed Ahmadinejad as a Medusa’s head to petrify Israelis into concessions.

Whether such a strategy would have worked is open to huge quantities of skepticism. Now, after what’s happened in Iran in recent days, such a plan is simply impossible.

For years, conservatives or, if you prefer, neoconservatives, have said that the Iranian regime can’t be negotiated with. Some emphasized that anti-Americanism is at the core of the regime’s identity. Some noted that Obama-style “open-handed” overtures to Iran were rebuffed. (Obama may have acknowledged U.S. support for the 1953 overthrow of the Mohammed Mossadegh regime in the hope that such frankness would win him goodwill from the regime. But no such goodwill followed Madeleine Albright’s apology in 2000.)

Others pointed to the messianic and conspiratorial zeal that animates Iran’s clerical junta. Many invoked Iran’s steadfast animus toward our ally Israel as well as its sponsorship of “scholarly” Holocaust denial and the more tangible support for Hezbollah and others bent on murdering Jews. Iran’s efforts to derail democracy and stability in Iraq by, among other things, supporting attacks on American troops is also part of the talk-is-folly brief.

None of that was sufficient evidence for Obama, in part because anything associated with Bush’s freedom agenda was deemed absurd and ideologically rigid.

Well, Bush is gone. Obama has extended his hand. And the regime is supplying fresh evidence of the absurdity of his approach. All that’s left for Obama now is to abandon his own ideological rigidity and start over.

— Jonah Goldberg is editor-at-large of
National Review Online and the author of Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning.


Well-Known Member
if obama was a american he would have stood up for the people in iran and against the oppression and murder going on in iran.
he should have the cia and special forces actively helping those people and arming them to take their freedom back.
obama..once again . proves himself to be a total piece of human shit.

Big P

Well-Known Member
too bad the ObamaTrons will defend him until the ship compleatly sinks just so they dont have to admit that they chose poorly.

then they will say I never really liked him, or I thought he would be different.



New Member
if obama was a american he would have stood up for the people in iran and against the oppression and murder going on in iran.
he should have the cia and special forces actively helping those people and arming them to take their freedom back.
obama..once again . proves himself to be a total piece of human shit.

Great, thats the thinking that got us in Vietnam and Iraq. Has history taught you nothing???


New Member
too bad the ObamaTrons will defend him until the ship compleatly sinks just so they dont have to admit that they chose poorly.

then they will say I never really liked him, or I thought he would be different.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that some people agree with what he is doing?

Why if you agree with Obama are you instantly a moron, why the attacks? The alternative was McCain!! You think McCain would be doing better? He would not!


Well-Known Member
Why do you find it so hard to believe that some people agree with what he is doing?

Why if you agree with Obama are you instantly a moron, why the attacks? The alternative was McCain!! You think McCain would be doing better? He would not!
Yes McCain probably would have tanked also. Alot of his policies were similar to Obamas. There were other alternatives than McCain.


New Member
i hate propaganda. email fuckin anderson cooper and bitch if you want to feel important. that way you might get on tv.


New Member
very intellectual.^ way to make an argument.... make republicans look even more like extremist douchebags... shallow and pedantic...:hump:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its just amazing the lack of insight as if the previous admin went to save any people being killed and persecuted what a joke. so bush went and saved all peoples around the world being killed unjustly how many holocausts go on daily of various proportions at all time under all super the powers rule. look at the big picture. its funny the politicians have won as so many feel its as simple as repub and democrat well it is now.


Well-Known Member
Why are we even meddling in the affairs of other sovereign nations? Money thats why!! It has nothing to do with helping poor Iranian citizens and everything to do with oil, money and power. IMO the reason countries try so hard to get nukes is that then they have a bargaining chip and it also gives them immunity from being taken over by the USA. You ever notice we never start wars with nuke equipped countries? We kiss their ass and let them get away with actions that would normally have the Marines landing on the coast in a day or two. You want the USA to stop fucking with you? Get a damned Nuke. What they do in Iran has no bearing on me, unlesss they ae launching missiles at us I don't really give a rats ass if their elections are rigged, if you ask me ours are also, how the fuck did Bush win the second time? If Iran were to launch a weapon its probably aimed at Israel and not the USA.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
we seem to only want to save people in nations that have various resources we want its not always the case but it is more often than not. helping people is an after thought to the original goal. besides as far as suspect elections well we as a nation should probably be quiet on that issue.

Big P

Well-Known Member
you guys dont know much of what you talk about. give it time, history will tell you exactly what the truth is

bill clinton seemed like a really good pres besides the monica thing

now history shows us he failed to get binladin when he had the opportunity to have him deliverd to us and he let his country down

he let us be attacked

everyone shouted bush out of office. but again we will wait for history to open your eyes to relality

jimmy carter sucked ass, history has tought us that

ronald reagan is a legand

bush one did ok

now the obamatrons,

do you think we want our president to fuck this country up??? i would let them take my left foot if he would stop fucking up this country

i wish you guys could come on here and say see you guys were wrong obama is doing great things for america

i would love to be wrong, because I can admit being wrong

not you guys. you wouldnt admit you were wrong about oboma until he is literally causing you to wait in 4 hour bread lines

so history will let you know. by then you will be to old and bitter to admit it to yourself anyways.

I hope im am wrong.


New Member
Obama is doing the right thing. By staying out of Irans elections, (How would we like Iran to be meddling in ours?), He is building the necessary rapport to the winner so he can bargain with him. No matter who wins, that is who we must deal with for the next 6-8 years. Those elections were no more rigged than our previous 2 Bush elections, just more blatant. I wonder, if we had put a few hundred thousand people in the streets protesting the Bush elections, do you honestly believe there would have been no police brutality?

Big P

Well-Known Member
Obama is doing the right thing. By staying out of Irans elections, (How would we like Iran to be meddling in ours?), He is building the necessary rapport to the winner so he can bargain with him. No matter who wins, that is who we must deal with for the next 6-8 years. Those elections were no more rigged than our previous 2 Bush elections, just more blatant. I wonder, if we had put a few hundred thousand people in the streets protesting the Bush elections, do you honestly believe there would have been no police brutality?

your a lier the past 2 bush elections were not rigged

Big P

Well-Known Member
do you guys not know what is really his backround. Your guys are too gullible:

open your eyes

On Nov. 5, 2008, Americans woke up to a very real Marxist coup — although most didn't realize it. I sat down and cried while a huge crowd gathered and were cheering. I intuitively knew something was very wrong. After watching Barack Hussein Obama destructively pursue his agenda as president, I now understand why.

Most Marxist coups rely on deception — and that was certainly true of this one. Just about everything Obama said during the campaign was a calculated lie. His handlers and key supporters were equally willing to lie and deceive to gain advantage.

Once Marxists seize power through deception, manipulation, exploitation, and corrupt interference with the political process, they never give it up. It is entirely possible that we will never see the end of the current regime of Marxists in America. In 20 years, the President of the United States might still be a man named Barack Obama. At the very least, we can expect Obama and his fellow conspirators to do everything in their power to ensure that outcome.

Failure equals success

Initially, the objectives of Marxism center in undermining the status quo — for only after the existing order is sufficiently weakened can it be dismantled and a thoroughgoing socialist system installed in its place.

We shouldn't be surprised, therefore, that Obama has no intention of strengthening or improving our country. His deeply-held Marxist beliefs will drive him to create chaos, disruption, economic collapse, and moral corruption — accompanied by the silencing of his critics — so that from the ashes of American civilization, a socialist nation will arise to lead in collectivizing the world.

The vision of Marx — that from the utter destruction of Western civilization, a world order of near-total communalism will emerge — has never been proven to work, for the theory can't be tested in advance. Thus, ideologues like Obama are foolishly willing to risk everything of value for a theoretical dream. Unfortunately, that dream is completely false and morally bankrupt. Only persons who lust for extreme power over others would buy into the unfounded premises, evil methods, and unmatched threat that we call Marxism.

Sleight of hand

The scale of
Obama's deceptive folly is nothing short of horrifying. After all, this pretender is in many ways the embodiment of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a demagogue who has long preached class warfare, social chaos, and loathing for America. In fact, I believe Obama may have taught Wright a thing or two. Each day he is in the Oval Office, American jobs are slipping away, while many Americans have lost a lifetime of hard-earned savings that will never be recouped.

Despite liberally casting good money after bad, the president has done nothing to help Wall Street or Main Street. As reflected in the stock market, everything is worsening because Obama's stimulus bill makes no economic sense. His propaganda produces extreme fear among Americans. Meanwhile, our liberties are disappearing before our very eyes. We've been had by a smooth-taking, teleprompter-dependent politician from Chicago, where corruption thrives.

Our newly elected president is not fit to lead this nation. Obama is not a reasonable, decent man, and I'm not afraid to say it. He's the most extreme, most left-leaning president in our nation's history. He will continue destroying our country because — as a committed Marxist — he believes it's his duty to do so. He hates our country's guiding principles, and wants to change our nation to please his own radical ideology.

Cloward-Piven strategy

Forty years ago, two far-left Columbia University professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, wrote an article for the radical magazine The Nation. Published in 1966, the article laid out a plan for dismantling the American free-market system by increasing demand on government programs to the point of collapsing the economy. This would open the door to implementing socialism by nationalizing private institutions. We are witnessing just such a takeover of our country — while no one raises a hand to stop it.

Excerpts from the Oct. 15, 2008, Washington Times, "The Cloward-Piven strategy — Using the poor to tear down capitalism," by Robert Chandler:

"There is plenty of blame to go around for the financial crash. Yet, there is a distinct odor of the shadowy Cloward-Piven strategy as the taproot of abusive practices that triggered the crisis. The strategy's goal is to bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading and undermining government bureaucracy.

"Its supporting tactics include flooding government with impossible demands until it slowly cranks to a stop; overloading electoral systems with successive tidal waves of new voters, many of them bogus; shaking down banks, politicians in Congress, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for affirmative-action borrowing; and, now, pulling down the national financial system by demanding exotic, subprime mortgages for low-income Americans with little hope of repaying their loans. These toxic mortgages are an important source of the foul smell engulfing the entire financial bailout.

"Developed in the mid-1960s by two Columbia University sociologists, Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, much of their strategy was drawn from Saul Alinsky, Chicago's notorious revolutionary Marxist community organizer. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (
ACORN) succeeded the National Welfare Rights Organization in the execution of the Cloward-Piven grand tactics of using the poor as cannon fodder to tear down the capitalist system. It was low-income, mostly black and Hispanic people, who were used by ACORN guerrillas to take subprime toxic mortgages.

"An Obama campaign dispatch on October 6 had the right perspective in observing that 'the backward economic philosophy and culture of corruption that helped create the current crisis are looking more and more like any other major financial crisis of our time.' True enough.

"The root causes for the 2008 financial panic were sown some 40 years ago when the Institute for Policy Studies, the notorious 'Think Tank of the Left,' held socialist seminars geared toward undermining the American capitalist system. Beginning in 1964 and continuing to the present day, the Institute for Policy Studies has used seminars especially scoped to influence congressmen and their assistants to support the 'progressive,' that is to say 'socialist,' viewpoint. A 1969 'Housing and Property' seminar, hosted by the Institute for Policy Studies, for example, treated Capitol Hill denizens to mind-stretching leftism. Bringing together speakers from big-city tenants councils, neighborhood legal services, FHA insurance, savings-and-loans entities, and the Shannon and Luchs Realty Company, the Institute for Policy Studies "plinked" the first domino that led to the current crisis.

"At about the same time that the Institute for Policy Studies was holding the 1969 'Housing and Property' seminars, it was also conducting 'Experimental Education' seminars in January-April 1969, for federal legislators and their aides that included Bill Ayers, an Obama confidant and Weatherman terrorist, as a guest speaker. According to the Senate Subcommittee on Investigation, 4,330 bombings occurred in the United States, about nine a day, from January 1969 to April 1970.

"The socialist test case for using society's poor and disadvantaged people as sacrificial 'shock troops,' in accordance with the Cloward-Piven strategy, was demonstrated in 1975, when new prospective welfare recipients flooded New York City with payment demands, bankrupting the government. As a consequence, New York state also teetered on the edge of financial collapse when the federal government stepped in with a bailout rescue.

"The 2008 financial crisis has all of the earmarks of a Cloward-Piven strategy assault against the capitalist system. Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center recently explained that 'community organizers' (1) 'intimidate banks into making high risk loans to customers with poor credit,' (2) 'occupy private offices, chant inside bank lobbies, and confront executives at their homes,' and, through these thuggish tactics, (3) compel 'financial institutions to direct hundreds of millions dollars in mortgages to low-credit customers.' 'In other words,' Mr. Kurtz explained during a presentation at the Hudson Institute's Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal, 'community organizers help to undermine America's economy by pushing the banking system into a sink-hole of bad

im sorry guys but you are pawns.

god bless america? no, god damn america

this was obamas beloved paster............but your right all these connection to these people, dont worry he dont agree with all of his associates he chooses to hang with.

Open your Eyes fools!!!


New Member
do you guys not know what is really his backround. Your guys are too gullible:

open your eyes

On Nov. 5, 2008, Americans woke up to a very real Marxist coup — although most didn't realize it. I sat down and cried while a huge crowd gathered and were cheering. I intuitively knew something was very wrong. After watching Barack Hussein Obama destructively pursue his agenda as president, I now understand why.

Most Marxist coups rely on deception — and that was certainly true of this one. Just about everything Obama said during the campaign was a calculated lie. His handlers and key supporters were equally willing to lie and deceive to gain advantage.

Once Marxists seize power through deception, manipulation, exploitation, and corrupt interference with the political process, they never give it up. It is entirely possible that we will never see the end of the current regime of Marxists in America. In 20 years, the President of the United States might still be a man named Barack Obama. At the very least, we can expect Obama and his fellow conspirators to do everything in their power to ensure that outcome.

Failure equals success

Initially, the objectives of Marxism center in undermining the status quo — for only after the existing order is sufficiently weakened can it be dismantled and a thoroughgoing socialist system installed in its place.

We shouldn't be surprised, therefore, that Obama has no intention of strengthening or improving our country. His deeply-held Marxist beliefs will drive him to create chaos, disruption, economic collapse, and moral corruption — accompanied by the silencing of his critics — so that from the ashes of American civilization, a socialist nation will arise to lead in collectivizing the world.

The vision of Marx — that from the utter destruction of Western civilization, a world order of near-total communalism will emerge — has never been proven to work, for the theory can't be tested in advance. Thus, ideologues like Obama are foolishly willing to risk everything of value for a theoretical dream. Unfortunately, that dream is completely false and morally bankrupt. Only persons who lust for extreme power over others would buy into the unfounded premises, evil methods, and unmatched threat that we call Marxism.

Sleight of hand

The scale of
Obama's deceptive folly is nothing short of horrifying. After all, this pretender is in many ways the embodiment of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a demagogue who has long preached class warfare, social chaos, and loathing for America. In fact, I believe Obama may have taught Wright a thing or two. Each day he is in the Oval Office, American jobs are slipping away, while many Americans have lost a lifetime of hard-earned savings that will never be recouped.

Despite liberally casting good money after bad, the president has done nothing to help Wall Street or Main Street. As reflected in the stock market, everything is worsening because Obama's stimulus bill makes no economic sense. His propaganda produces extreme fear among Americans. Meanwhile, our liberties are disappearing before our very eyes. We've been had by a smooth-taking, teleprompter-dependent politician from Chicago, where corruption thrives.

Our newly elected president is not fit to lead this nation. Obama is not a reasonable, decent man, and I'm not afraid to say it. He's the most extreme, most left-leaning president in our nation's history. He will continue destroying our country because — as a committed Marxist — he believes it's his duty to do so. He hates our country's guiding principles, and wants to change our nation to please his own radical ideology.

Cloward-Piven strategy

Forty years ago, two far-left Columbia University professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, wrote an article for the radical magazine The Nation. Published in 1966, the article laid out a plan for dismantling the American free-market system by increasing demand on government programs to the point of collapsing the economy. This would open the door to implementing socialism by nationalizing private institutions. We are witnessing just such a takeover of our country — while no one raises a hand to stop it.

Excerpts from the Oct. 15, 2008, Washington Times, "The Cloward-Piven strategy — Using the poor to tear down capitalism," by Robert Chandler:

"There is plenty of blame to go around for the financial crash. Yet, there is a distinct odor of the shadowy Cloward-Piven strategy as the taproot of abusive practices that triggered the crisis. The strategy's goal is to bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading and undermining government bureaucracy.

"Its supporting tactics include flooding government with impossible demands until it slowly cranks to a stop; overloading electoral systems with successive tidal waves of new voters, many of them bogus; shaking down banks, politicians in Congress, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for affirmative-action borrowing; and, now, pulling down the national financial system by demanding exotic, subprime mortgages for low-income Americans with little hope of repaying their loans. These toxic mortgages are an important source of the foul smell engulfing the entire financial bailout.

"Developed in the mid-1960s by two Columbia University sociologists, Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, much of their strategy was drawn from Saul Alinsky, Chicago's notorious revolutionary Marxist community organizer. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (
ACORN) succeeded the National Welfare Rights Organization in the execution of the Cloward-Piven grand tactics of using the poor as cannon fodder to tear down the capitalist system. It was low-income, mostly black and Hispanic people, who were used by ACORN guerrillas to take subprime toxic mortgages.

"An Obama campaign dispatch on October 6 had the right perspective in observing that 'the backward economic philosophy and culture of corruption that helped create the current crisis are looking more and more like any other major financial crisis of our time.' True enough.

"The root causes for the 2008 financial panic were sown some 40 years ago when the Institute for Policy Studies, the notorious 'Think Tank of the Left,' held socialist seminars geared toward undermining the American capitalist system. Beginning in 1964 and continuing to the present day, the Institute for Policy Studies has used seminars especially scoped to influence congressmen and their assistants to support the 'progressive,' that is to say 'socialist,' viewpoint. A 1969 'Housing and Property' seminar, hosted by the Institute for Policy Studies, for example, treated Capitol Hill denizens to mind-stretching leftism. Bringing together speakers from big-city tenants councils, neighborhood legal services, FHA insurance, savings-and-loans entities, and the Shannon and Luchs Realty Company, the Institute for Policy Studies "plinked" the first domino that led to the current crisis.

"At about the same time that the Institute for Policy Studies was holding the 1969 'Housing and Property' seminars, it was also conducting 'Experimental Education' seminars in January-April 1969, for federal legislators and their aides that included Bill Ayers, an Obama confidant and Weatherman terrorist, as a guest speaker. According to the Senate Subcommittee on Investigation, 4,330 bombings occurred in the United States, about nine a day, from January 1969 to April 1970.

"The socialist test case for using society's poor and disadvantaged people as sacrificial 'shock troops,' in accordance with the Cloward-Piven strategy, was demonstrated in 1975, when new prospective welfare recipients flooded New York City with payment demands, bankrupting the government. As a consequence, New York state also teetered on the edge of financial collapse when the federal government stepped in with a bailout rescue.

"The 2008 financial crisis has all of the earmarks of a Cloward-Piven strategy assault against the capitalist system. Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center recently explained that 'community organizers' (1) 'intimidate banks into making high risk loans to customers with poor credit,' (2) 'occupy private offices, chant inside bank lobbies, and confront executives at their homes,' and, through these thuggish tactics, (3) compel 'financial institutions to direct hundreds of millions dollars in mortgages to low-credit customers.' 'In other words,' Mr. Kurtz explained during a presentation at the Hudson Institute's Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal, 'community organizers help to undermine America's economy by pushing the banking system into a sink-hole of bad

im sorry guys but you are pawns.

god bless america? no, god damn america

this was obamas beloved paster............but your right all these connection to these people, dont worry he dont agree with all of his associates he chooses to hang with.

Open your Eyes fools!!!
You are so wrong. Ya gotta give him at least 2 years before you bring these kinds of judgements. All these idiotic accusations just don't pan out when put to the litmus test. they are just partisan lies. I/most of us, know that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat liar, but I/we don't go around expressing it every day in every way. That is similar to what you are doing here. please quit, or bring positive proof.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i could post a bunch of the evil the bush admin did and all the laws they broke as well. as i have said i hope some of you guys were as virulent in your attacks of that admin as you are of obama. it would be a little hyprocritical to turn a blind eye to that and then attack the new guy most of our current problems were already here when obama took office. these threads are like a merry go round.