obama ,did anyone hear this ?


New Member
I love satire. I hate idiots who can't tell the difference between satire and reality.

A progressive limiting freedom of speech? Dream on. Go jerk off to Glenn Beck some more while foaming at the mouth


Well-Known Member
as soon as i started reading this crap i knew it was ficticious. the suckers that believe this propaganda should learn to be silent until they have taken the time to fact check. you know why? because you look like fools; uneducated fools. you could start a chapter of the tea party with talk like that.
Yeah, it must be an Obama plant. These guys are way too pissed off for it not to be...:roll:


Well-Known Member
I love satire. I hate idiots who can't tell the difference between satire and reality.

A progressive limiting freedom of speech? Dream on. Go jerk off to Glenn Beck some more while foaming at the mouth
Satire always has a grain of truth in it, or else it would just be stupid, like :roll:. I absolutely believed Obama could have said that... You did too... That's why you're so mad... And that's why Gibbs released it...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Maybe a little. But say you visit the politics section after a mid day bake and you see someone asking 'Did anyone hear this?' and then posts something which WAS NEVER STATED AND SO CAN NOT BE HEARD. How hard is it to post some fucking text, then type below it that you want to know if it is true or not?

EDIT - Or alternatively, how fucking difficult can it be to fact check somehting like this? It took me about 4.3 seconds to see it was bullshit. Just as stupid to post it here before doing a tad of research. Like the fools who put up a pic of a scrawny seedling with no details about lighting and want to know how much they'll yield or if it's a male
ROFL...seen that a lot..got three cfl's and a bag seed with the hopes of growing a pound of purp..WTF..do the research


Satire always has a grain of truth in it, or else it would just be stupid, like :roll:. I absolutely believed Obama could have said that... You did too... That's why you're so mad... And that's why Gibbs released it...:blsmoke:
Nah man, if you think Obama would seriously say something like that you have a screw loose...


Active Member
I'm a vet and I will vote for Obama. Oh yeah...this is from fact check.org

Q: Did Obama accuse veterans of "selfishness" and whining? Would he have forced them to "pay for their war injuries"?

A: This chain e-mail contains fabricated quotes and misrepresents a budget idea that the White House scrapped. The quotes were intended as satire.

jeff f

New Member
as soon as i started reading this crap i knew it was ficticious. the suckers that believe this propaganda should learn to be silent until they have taken the time to fact check. you know why? because you look like fools; uneducated fools. you could start a chapter of the tea party with talk like that.

wtf are you talking about? nobody agreed with it. dont come in here pasting this shit on here blaming tea baggers. thats fuckin bullshit and your out of line. go fuck yourself until you find a tea partier (you degrading fuck) that agrees with this shut the fuck up.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I was really hoping this thread would die - I debunked it right off the bat & people still want to argue about it????
Thats retarded.