Obama is a racist and harbors a lifelong hatred of white people


Sorry, 'the man' being a political power, not the fact that he is BLACK.

Thought i may of needed to clarify that didn't want anyone thinking untrue things!


Well-Known Member
We all know it's true, and it's true for Michelle also. And it's true for the people Obama surrounds himself with, from Wright to Farrakahn to Gates. His historic first black attorney general has said that hate crimes are not hate crimes when it is black hate on white people.

None of this can be debated, it's true and we know it. The argument should be between those who feel Obama's hatred of white people is justified and those who feel it is not. You know, when they are out of power it might look a little like a civil rights struggle. But when they are in power it just looks like racism and fascism.
I just find it curious that when Blacks represent 12% of the population, and a teeny tiny percentage of college grads, everyone Obama appoints to any position just happens to be black. And let's face it - everything he believes in is about reparations. Sure poor Whites will go along for the ride in most cases, but it is really about reparations. Let's be honest.

And BTW, this thread isn't about Bush or McCain so stop with the red herrings.


Well-Known Member
He appoints whites to some positions as well. But I agree, many of his decisions will be geared towards reparations. He did say that he doesnt agree with reparations because they wouldn't go far enough. What was his solution???


Well-Known Member
He appoints whites to some positions as well. But I agree, many of his decisions will be geared towards reparations. He did say that he doesnt agree with reparations because they wouldn't go far enough. What was his solution???
He has to appoint some whites in order to appear all inclusive. :wink:


Active Member
ya'll are a bunch of racist ..... hanimal your right.

obama is more white than black but that has not shit to do with anything..

ignorant assholes...

the whole government is corrupt granted ..... but does anyone remember how fucked up the last few years of the bush regime.

was 5.00 gasoline .
a war started by lies.
the patriot act .
wire taps.
andatory minimums for pot growers

etc etc etc etc etc.. ..

are you guys fucking crazy ...

voting republician is voting hyourself right into prison...

bush fucked it all up.....

so know you guys blame obama .... its going to take a long time to clean up the retard republican fiasco... not a year more like 10 years.

give the man a chance....

why in the helll would a pot head vote for the anti- drug, just say no, D.A.R.E., tap your phone , search your house, put your ass in prison ,erradicate marijuana, screw the middle class, give it all to the 250k plus party ??????????

are ya fucking stupid?????

who here makes more than 250k a year leagally ?r not one of you i bet.
who here smokes pot ? all of you i bet
who wants to spend there life in jail over marijuana ? no one i bet.
who wants ther phone taped to see what they really are up to ?no one
who wants to be profiled for having long hair etc. and searched ? no one

then why in the hell would you vote for the people that openly want to put you in prison ????

stupid monkey

WAKE up people


Well-Known Member
Your post was off point. However, off the topic, I think people are still being arrested for marijuana with Obama in office. Learn how to read ant stay on topic.

By the way that was classic, change the topic, avoid the argument, and add a few insults response.


Well-Known Member
I just find it curious that when Blacks represent 12% of the population, and a teeny tiny percentage of college grads, everyone Obama appoints to any position just happens to be black. And let's face it - everything he believes in is about reparations. Sure poor Whites will go along for the ride in most cases, but it is really about reparations. Let's be honest.

And BTW, this thread isn't about Bush or McCain so stop with the red herrings.
I find it hilarious and telling that you plop all races that Obama has appointed as black people.

Obama has appointed more hispanics at this point than any other president (goes without saying I am sure).

But look at reality for a minute. Lets look at his advisers.

He also is appointing women at record pace.

Just because he is appointing a lot of different race people, think about how overwhelming DC is with white old male politicians. People that are not older white males should have their voices heard in DC.

But whatever as long as you can find something to demonize Obama it is fair game right.


Well-Known Member
I find it hilarious and telling that you plop all races that Obama has appointed as black people.

Obama has appointed more hispanics at this point than any other president (goes without saying I am sure).

But look at reality for a minute. Lets look at his advisers.

He also is appointing women at record pace.

Just because he is appointing a lot of different race people, think about how overwhelming DC is with white old male politicians. People that are not older white males should have their voices heard in DC.

But whatever as long as you can find something to demonize Obama it is fair game right.
It's politics. The left is still slinging mud at Bush. And the point, to me anyways, is about the double standard. Blacks say they want equality and I'm all for it. But many want to be More equal. By that I mean they want equality but with a lot of preferential treatment mixed in. When does it stop? How long do we need affirmative action? How do you go about making reparations? I don't think it can be done. I have some African blood in me from way back. Does that mean I would get a check if reparations are made. I think it's time to move on and put the past where it belongs.............behind us. We can't do anything about the horrible things blacks had to endure at the hands of our ancestors. What we can do is have an honest discussion about race, and how both sides really feel. If we can't do that I fear we will never move beyond the us vs. them mentality. :weed:


Well-Known Member
dude i'll take a black bigot any day over GW BUSH and his redneck bosses
Bush is done! Get over it already. He's gone and I doubt highly that he is coming back. Why can't people move forward? Let's stop bringing up Bush and deal with the crook we have in office right now. Libs or Cons both need to realize that there is virtually no difference in the parties these days. They are all criminals and we need to get a third party pres. elected. It's the only way we can have a chance at fixing our broken system. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Who is even talking about reparations?

I mean besides people that want it and will never get it, and the few remaining racists that use to constantly gripe about black people, it is not on anyones radar.

The government a couple years back even made an apology and never even began to mention them.

And i would guess about 99.9% of the time affermative action is again not even on anyones radar. But that doesn't mean that there is not a .1% time that it is needed because of some old demons we still have as a nation.

It's politics. The left is still slinging mud at Bush. And the point, to me anyways, is about the double standard.
I feel you about the fact that Bush is/was demonized. But to use the exact same lies and mud slinging that the dems political argument took on (And I fell for it hook line and sinker back then). You have to understand that it is still a double standard. The right was outraged and demonized us as idiots (which looking back we were being) and now you are doing the exact same thing while we are just as dumfounded about the idiocracy that is happening in the right wing political world.

Everyone should step back and just see it is the same crap on both sides that is used to keep us interested and donating money and watching news channels so that everyone can keep the system running and making money.

I think that anyone they put up into high political positions (like nancy polosi or boehner) is basically saying look at me, I am willing to make a ass of myself to keep the controversy stirring while we have everyone doing their job in the backround.


Well-Known Member
Who is even talking about reparations?

I mean besides people that want it and will never get it, and the few remaining racists that use to constantly gripe about black people, it is not on anyones radar.

The government a couple years back even made an apology and never even began to mention them.

And i would guess about 99.9% of the time affermative action is again not even on anyones radar. But that doesn't mean that there is not a .1% time that it is needed because of some old demons we still have as a nation.

I feel you about the fact that Bush is/was demonized. But to use the exact same lies and mud slinging that the dems political argument took on (And I fell for it hook line and sinker back then). You have to understand that it is still a double standard. The right was outraged and demonized us as idiots (which looking back we were being) and now you are doing the exact same thing while we are just as dumfounded about the idiocracy that is happening in the right wing political world.

Everyone should step back and just see it is the same crap on both sides that is used to keep us interested and donating money and watching news channels so that everyone can keep the system running and making money.

I think that anyone they put up into high political positions (like nancy polosi or boehner) is basically saying look at me, I am willing to make a ass of myself to keep the controversy stirring while we have everyone doing their job in the backround.
Just a few months ago there was a supreme court decision in which a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that, some white firefighters who had seniority and higher test scores were passed up for advancement in lieu of some black firefighters because they had to meet affirmative action Quotas. The supreme court ruled that these white firefighters had their civil rights violated. Believe me, this shit is still going on and it needs to be fixed. Especially if we are ever to move past the whole race issue in America. ;-)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
We all know it's true, and it's true for Michelle also. And it's true for the people Obama surrounds himself with, from Wright to Farrakahn to Gates. His historic first black attorney general has said that hate crimes are not hate crimes when it is black hate on white people.

None of this can be debated, it's true and we know it. The argument should be between those who feel Obama's hatred of white people is justified and those who feel it is not. You know, when they are out of power it might look a little like a civil rights struggle. But when they are in power it just looks like racism and fascism.
who the hell cares
prez before him have harbored hate for races that were not theres

relax you only have 6 more years- then you can bytch about the next prez

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Just a few months ago there was a supreme court decision in which a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that, some white firefighters who had seniority and higher test scores were passed up for advancement in lieu of some black firefighters because they had to meet affirmative action Quotas. The supreme court ruled that these white firefighters had their civil rights violated. Believe me, this shit is still going on and it needs to be fixed. Especially if we are ever to move past the whole race issue in America. ;-)
come on guy, you cant just say things like that with out proof find the link to the news artical thats cant be found, because it didnot happen
people make up stuff, now someone will read what you wrote and think its real once again with out proof - " a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that" LOL, what type of shit is that which is it where is it


Well-Known Member
Just a few months ago there was a supreme court decision in which a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that, some white firefighters who had seniority and higher test scores were passed up for advancement in lieu of some black firefighters because they had to meet affirmative action Quotas. The supreme court ruled that these white firefighters had their civil rights violated. Believe me, this shit is still going on and it needs to be fixed. Especially if we are ever to move past the whole race issue in America. :wink:
Which is why it got overturned, because it is not set up to give the upperhand to a minority group that feel they got passed over. In a legit situation the law suit would not have overturned. It was something that needed to get pushed up to the supreme court to fix the letter of the law, and that is what basically happened.

Now if it was something that was racially motivated (which this obviously is not) then it would have been found in favor of the person denied.

That is how laws are, they are there to stop the situations there that need to be stopped. Once it is hardly needed it is obsolete and nobody would worry about it.

We all know that there is legit 100% racism that still exists. It is not rampant, and some people just carry some resentment or fear, but every so often it does go too far, and there needs to be bumpers in place to stop it from affecting peoples livelihoods and chances to move up in their standard of living.

come on guy, you cant just say things like that with out proof find the link to the news artical thats cant be found, because it didnot happen
people make up stuff, now someone will read what you wrote and think its real once again with out proof - " a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that" LOL, what type of shit is that which is it where is it
No this really happened. The right was making it a cross on Sonia Sotamyer when they claimed she was a racist and would get this fire department a slap for the minority. When really it was about promotions, but really is the fringe of the debate, which is why it was not argued yet in a higher court so couldn't be thrown out because there was legal merit in the case and it needed to be fixed so this doesn't happen again.

June 29 (Bloomberg) -- A divided U.S. Supreme Court, reversing a decision by Sonia Sotomayor and two other judges, said a Connecticut city violated white firefighters’ rights by canceling planned promotions because no blacks qualified.


Well-Known Member
come on guy, you cant just say things like that with out proof find the link to the news artical thats cant be found, because it didnot happen
people make up stuff, now someone will read what you wrote and think its real once again with out proof - " a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that" LOL, what type of shit is that which is it where is it
Here's the link:


I don't make shit up my friend. ;-) Would you like some salt with your foot? :o

EDIT: You're right though, it wasn't New Hampshire, it was New Haven, Connecticut. Sorry I got that fact mixed up.


Well-Known Member
come on guy, you cant just say things like that with out proof find the link to the news artical thats cant be found, because it didnot happen
people make up stuff, now someone will read what you wrote and think its real once again with out proof - " a fire dept. in New Hampshire or somehwere like that" LOL, what type of shit is that which is it where is it
I don't know why you couldn't find it 'cause I googled it and got a ridiculous amount of results within like 2 seconds. You should be careful making a statement like that before you have all the facts my friend. It really hampers your credibility. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Obama is a racist and harbors a lifelong hatred of white people
Whatever, I guess you can't blame him but this is just shit off of Fox Entertainment. He must not like stoners either so who gives a fuzzy rats ass, I don't.

Hey, Nixon didn't like "blacks", hippies, and Jews. I see no thread about that and there's solid proof (recordings and transcripts) that Nixon was a huge asshole bigot. oh well...


Well-Known Member
Whatever, I guess you can't blame him but this is just shit off of Fox Entertainment. He must not like stoners either so who gives a fuzzy rats ass, I don't.

Hey, Nixon didn't like "blacks", hippies, and Jews. I see no thread about that and there's solid proof (recordings and transcripts) that Nixon was a huge asshole bigot. oh well...
Probably because he hasn't been president for like 40 years and he's dead...............:roll:


Well-Known Member
I believe Illegal Smile is definitely onto something. I have personally read Obama's autobiography, Dreams of my Father. I've also read Michelle's doctoral thesis papers from Princeton. In both books I picked up on a theme of "anti-white". I suggest everyone look at Michelle's and Barak's work to really know who they are.

[EDIT]: Sorry for not linking page numbers, I gave the book away months ago. Although, anyone who's read the book probably knows where to find the information I'm referring to.