Obama Proposal Crashing in First Hours


Well-Known Member
Why don't you try responding with a solution.
Why don't you try reading a few pages back to find my approach to the problem.

It is the fools who continue to support Insurance companies who rape and murder them who continue to deny there is even a problem to solve.


Well-Known Member
It truly is amazing how effective the republicans have been at turning sheep into foot soldiers for the health insurance companies. You guys are like chickens supporting Colonel Sanders.
It is absolutely amazing. Shocking. You'd think, from his words, I were debating the issue with an aristocrat with a stake in the Insurance industry's future. In reality, he is just an average American. Exactly the kind of person public policy will help.

Damn they're good!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you try reading a few pages back to find my approach to the problem.

It is the fools who continue to support Insurance companies who rape and murder them who continue to deny there is even a problem to solve.
I meant a solution to the 12 million dollar man. I honestly expected you to say that he should be hung by his toes while watching his wife and children be raped and murdered. I was on the right track, I see...:roll:


Well-Known Member
You'd think, from his words, I were debating the issue with an aristocrat with a stake in the Insurance industry's future. In reality, he is just an average American.
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Active Member
i have no political affiliation myself. both parties are the basically the same. the problem is progressives which are in both parties. i lean toward the middle of the road. fed gov should be protecting our borders period. state gov should manage the rest.

there should be no handouts from the gov. we the american people will take care of each other much better than any gov. think how much farther the money will go when we eliminate the middle men.

we need to help each other and stop relying on the gov. this is why we are here with this screwed up economy, we have been relying on the gov for the 50 years. which has made us not help our neighbor as we use to. we count on the gov to bail everyone out. we give more than any nation has or will, and we are shlt upon.

our country was not supposed to interfere with any other country, unless we are attacked. then go kill the opponent and leave.

when will my family return from iraq, obama can not even keep up with bush's withdrawal plan. much less calling it his own.

obama will go down as a historic president - the worst -.

unemployment is going past 11% after last month had over 1700 companies lay-off 50 or more employees. this is what a progressive gov brings.


New Member
If Government health care is so good ... why is the government making themselves exempt from it?

Some of you folks are pretty dumb.


Well-Known Member
Never mind my points, which are shared by the majority of the Nation by many poles. What matters is I used to think along the same lines as you, but you see it is o.k. to change your mind if your opponent makes a good enough case to win the argument.

Regardless of what the constitution left out, for any reason; it can be amended if a good case can be made for our rights as humans and citizens. I have began to think, based on the standard of living in other Nations and personal meditation on human rights, that a truly powerful, compassionate and democratic nation must ensure its citizens heath. If nothing else it will eliminate the majority of bankruptcy and give our workers good health to do their jobs, and lower the cost overall of health care by providing a competitor to the monopoly system enjoyed by the current insurance cartels, um...companies.

It is doctors who keep you healthy; your provider must only keep your medical records, especially if you cannot be denied treatment. Who pays for it? We do; everyone is covered, but you get a tax refund if you choose not to participate in the national program. Nor do all doctors 'have' to participate in it.

The devil's in the details. But your probably right; we can't trust the sleazy politicians to write sound legislation. I'm sure I wouldn't be happy with a single payer system bill, if it was presented.

But I don't think any insurance company should be allowed to deny you a procedure which a qualified doctor recommends. So I don't think the government should. Which means the government isn't really providing care or making any decisions; they are record keepers. It works in other countries, so America isn't the best anymore in health care- and I don't like that.



New Member
It's an insurance policy...not a guarantee. It's just insurance.

Want rationing? Stick with Obama....for it will surely happen here like it has everywhere socialized medicine exists.

All you will be doing is REDUCING your access to medical care.

Health care DOES need reform ... but NOT a govt. takeover. Those folks can't run ANYTHING efficiently or cheaply, and isn't that the complaint now against private health care? It's not cheap enough? I's like complaining about what a long walk it is to grandma's house, and so you hitch a ride with the wolf to get you there quicker. Oh, you will my child....you will.

Wake up folks..... life is what YOU make it ... not the government.


Well-Known Member
rationing happens now. rationing is determined by the financial statements of insurance companies.

if and when rationing happens in the future, it will be because of lack of supply of care, not because of anybody's financial interests.... copish???


Well-Known Member
If Government health care is so good ... why is the government making themselves exempt from it?

Some of you folks are pretty dumb.
Exempt from what? There is nothing in the current bills to be exempt from. Do you just have a list of talking points you use with no real regard to their relevance or what?
On 8.8.08, My grandparents died from a serious car crash and in the back seat was my 1 year old nephew. He survived and was life flighted to the nearest hospital for emergency care. He managed to pull through and is a happy boy today, as he just recently turned 4 years old.

After leaving that hospital and being life flighted again to the hospital in our state, from one of the best child care facilities in the U.S, he was released a few days later with a back/neck brace and a few scrips to ease his pain through the whole ordeal.

The bill, $350,000+ we had insurance that covered 80% of the cover from his mothers job, but it still didn't cover the almost $100,000(edit: With interest) in debt we had to the hospitals.

A year and a half later we lost the house, and everything that my grandparents spent their entire life living for because we couldn't pay off the looming medical bills that fast approached

My mother, sister and her son our now living in an appartment bearly scraping what little they have, living pay check to pay check. Before any of this happened we were fine.

No, ( I don't care ) because the federal constitution doesn't say anything regarding healthcare, which means that it's left up to the states.
And yes I am a patriot because I defend the constitution above any "imposed morality" or any other excuse to circumvent it.

You want to do good things, do it with your own time and money.
In statement, its true.
The averaged US citizen is a medical bill away from bankruptcy. And to think, someone on page 2 basically said, he would rather let my nephew die, than pay a little more to have his life and us be near scott clear of debt right now.
Thanks mate, :) You have got to be the greatest American hero to defend your constitutional right.


Well-Known Member
On 8.8.08, My grandparents died from a serious car crash and in the back seat was my 1 year old nephew. He survived and was life flighted to the nearest hospital for emergency care. He managed to pull through and is a happy boy today, as he just recently turned 4 years old.

After leaving that hospital and being life flighted again to the hospital in our state, from one of the best child care facilities in the U.S, he was released a few days later with a back/neck brace and a few scrips to ease his pain through the whole ordeal.

The bill, $350,000+ we had insurance that covered 80% of the cover from his mothers job, but it still didn't cover the almost $100,000(edit: With interest) in debt we had to the hospitals.

A year and a half later we lost the house, and everything that my grandparents spent their entire life living for because we couldn't pay off the looming medical bills that fast approached

My mother, sister and her son our now living in an appartment bearly scraping what little they have, living pay check to pay check. Before any of this happened we were fine.

In statement, its true.
The averaged US citizen is a medical bill away from bankruptcy. And to think, someone on page 2 basically said, he would rather let my nephew die, than pay a little more to have his life and us be near scott clear of debt right now.
Thanks mate, :) You have got to be the greatest American hero to defend your constitutional right.
Sorry to hear your story. And it is all too common. Most enlightened nations have figured this out but FOX has brainwashed poor America to fight for their own demise.

No, so many Americans here just don't give a shit about their neighbors. I wonder how rollitup, a destination for cannabis growers and smokers got taken over by so many selfish, nearsighted republicans?


New Member
Exempt from what? There is nothing in the current bills to be exempt from. Do you just have a list of talking points you use with no real regard to their relevance or what?
It is in there ... you are so naive son. All sorts of folks will be exempt.... cherry picking. they always cherry pick themselves first.

Rationing.... we do NOT have rationing now.... doh!

We will have it.... every socialist health care system does. PPl are dying all over the world because of it. that's why the really sick come to the USA. Everyone else is behind us.... why go backwards?


Well-Known Member
It is in there ... you are so naive son. All sorts of folks will be exempt.... cherry picking. they always cherry pick themselves first.

Rationing.... we do NOT have rationing now.... doh!

We will have it.... every socialist health care system does. PPl are dying all over the world because of it. that's why the really sick come to the USA. Everyone else is behind us.... why go backwards?
What is "it" they will be exempt from? Way to dance around and not answer the question, SON!!!!


New Member
They will be exempt from the insurance policies they are trying to force upon YOU....son.

All members of Congress, their staff and families and unions and federal employees will be EXEMPT from the socialized medicine they are inventing right now.

In fact right now...... who has the greatest CHOICE amongst insurance policy options?

Why, the folks up in Washington that's who. They get the best health care IN THE WORLD because they make sure THEY have CHOICE (which is competition, which keeps prices low). So the very solutions they use for themselves they DENY you. Then they give you an INFERIOR govt. policy and EXEMPT themselves!

What does that tell you?

Think hard.....


Well-Known Member
they will be exempt from the insurance policies they are trying to force upon you....son.

All members of congress, their staff and families and unions and federal employees will be exempt from the socialized medicine they are inventing right now.

In fact right now...... Who has the greatest choice amongst insurance policy options?

Why, the folks up in washington that's who. They get the best health care in the world because they make sure they have choice (which is competition, which keeps prices low). So the very solutions they use for themselves they deny you. Then they give you an inferior govt. Policy and exempt themselves!

What does that tell you?

Think hard.....
What in the world are you talking about?!? Everyone is Washington already has the best policies in the country: Taxpayer funded, SOCIALIZED health care! Do you have a clue what you're saying? That's what this entire debate is about: These elitists in Washington saying Socialized medicine is o.k. for them, but somehow it's communism if we do it for the Country.

The only difference would be what doctors chose to participate in the single payer system. So if you're saying that somehow the guys in Washington will be exempt for bad DOCTORS, we can't say that for sure... Hopefully, legislation would be written fair enough that many physicians would choose to and add choice to the system. Maybe the 'best' doctors will continue private practice solely. That is their choice. But I'm certain many good doctors would have no problem accepting payment for their services from the government; the majority in fact, for it opens them to a larger market for their services.

'Policy' is different than 'care'. It is the doctors who care for people, NOT the insurance companies. But when they get involved they have a tendency to deny care for profit gain. THAT is the broken portion of their system. You CANNOT run health care like any other business would regarding profit/loss. LIFE IS MORE VALUABLE THAN PROFITS. It will take it being YOUR life for most of you to realize this.

THAT is why modern, enlightened societies have universal health care programs. Capitalism is the wrong approach when it comes to health care. It is the right approach for most industry. But you CANNOT put a price tag on human life.


New Member
Damn! Have you guys checked out the price of chicken lately? Its through the roof! I bet Tyson Foods is making a HUGE profit on abusing those poor chickens. Hell, it doesn't cost much to raise a chicken ... a little feed, a little water and that's about it, right? Maybe what we need is a single payer program, sponsored by the federal government. Screw those fat cat corporations and their profiteering ways!

A chicken in every pot, I always say! bongsmilie


New Member
What in the world are you talking about?!? Everyone is Washington already has the best policies in the country: Taxpayer funded, SOCIALIZED health care! Do you have a clue what you're saying? That's what this entire debate is about: These elitists in Washington saying Socialized medicine is o.k. for them, but somehow it's communism if we do it for the Country.

The only difference would be what doctors chose to participate in the single payer system. So if you're saying that somehow the guys in Washington will be exempt for bad DOCTORS, we can't say that for sure... Hopefully, legislation would be written fair enough that many physicians would choose to and add choice to the system. Maybe the 'best' doctors will continue private practice solely. That is their choice. But I'm certain many good doctors would have no problem accepting payment for their services from the government; the majority in fact, for it opens them to a larger market for their services.

'Policy' is different than 'care'. It is the doctors who care for people, NOT the insurance companies. But when they get involved they have a tendency to deny care for profit gain. THAT is the broken portion of their system. You CANNOT run health care like any other business would regarding profit/loss. LIFE IS MORE VALUABLE THAN PROFITS. It will take it being YOUR life for most of you to realize this.

THAT is why modern, enlightened societies have universal health care programs. Capitalism is the wrong approach when it comes to health care. It is the right approach for most industry. But you CANNOT put a price tag on human life.
The facts are that govt. insurance policies offer the GREATEST choice for their recipients than ANY private policies. They have the true CADILLAC programs, based on CHOICE of insurance carriers. Greater than anyone else.

They are keeping it too. All of big labor will get a pass.... make Congress and staff take the same deal as they wish to FORCE on you and watch universal health care NEVER be uttered again in DC.

You need to wake up to the hypocrisy.