Obama to speak live tonight


Active Member
I am disgusted, disillusioned, and heartbreakingly disappointed.. I did not vote for a 'yes we can' perpetuate the war president. What will he say to his kids when they ask "Daddy, why are sending more people off to war?" Mr. Obama, shame on you.


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone so surprise...He said doing his campaign that we need to pull out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghan..He is doing just what he said he would do....I don't like it , but he did say that was one of the things he would do if elected


Elite Rolling Society
Why do they always say that?
It 'd be sorta difficult for him to speak DEAD.

just jokin!


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone so surprise...He said doing his campaign that we need to pull out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghan..He is doing just what he said he would do....I don't like it , but he did say that was one of the things he would do if elected

No kidding lol the far left act like Obama betrayed them or something.

But you know what they say democrats eat themselves


Well-Known Member
30,000 more soldiers to fight a pointless, unwinnable war.

the only day i've felt sicker because of a politician was when bush paraded himself on a stage and claimed 'mission accomplished' a few years back...

i didn't vote this election, you cant make shit taste like chocolate, no matter how much fudge you put on top.

i still support a lot of his policies, not this one though...:sad:

i feel sorry for all the soldiers over there right now, and the ones getting shipped in the few months...

at least he includes some sort of time-frame for withdrawal. but i'm not too hopeful, that jackass general is just going to ask for more and more soldiers....

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
When will people look at history?
American revolution..Americans, who could be considered guerilla fighters by todays standards, won a war against the most powerful country in the world at the time.
Vietnam..Although the NVA was a structured military, the Vietcong were the ones who really won it for them..oh and guess what! WE KEPT ON DEPLOYING TROOPS
...so now we think we can fight guerilla soliders in Afghan?


Well-Known Member
so basically I think he said that the real problem is a nuclear Pakistan falling into the hands of Al Qaeda. he says it is a real possibility if they are left unchecked. so, OK, Bush said the same thing. Now let's see who the best warrior is.


Well-Known Member
Poor Obama supporters, the messiah let ya down. Hahaha, Get ready for plenty more of that.
he didn't let me down. i knew before I voted for him where he stood on Afghanistan. if anything, I'm impressed with the consistency.

democrats opposing the war exist, just as they have always existed. nothing has changed on that front. so what the fuck are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Vietnam is a special case war that shouldn't be used to compare to afghanistan. We could have won in Vietnam if our forces weren't held back at almost every opportunity. The idea was to make it a long protracted profitable war, but ultimately win it. Instead they dragged it out so long they lost support at the end. If things weren't held back it would have been a very different story.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
What were we held back on? Going into cambodia is the only one i can think of. Hmm, pakistan sounds quite familiar.


Well-Known Member
All through the war people on the ground and in the air found targets that were valid, that they were in a position to hit and do a lot of damage but they weren't allowed to hit them for one reason or another and not based on Geneva convention restrictions based on chain of command orders. It's well published how many air bases etc they just weren't allowed to touch for the longest time and it made absolutely no sense to the men that were there. In almost half the more recent documentaries on Vietnam you will find people confirming this, the early stuff is censored.


Well-Known Member
i hope you're not trying to imply that they should've just gone in there and blasted every vietnamese person they 'suspected' of being vietcong into smitherines....

anyways, vietnam has passed, no sense in debating that bullshit war anymore... we have to deal with the bullshit war going on now.....


Well-Known Member
No I didn't say anything like that I'm not an extremist or conspiracy theorist or anything like that and I agree I don't want to debate the vietnam war either, just saying the men in the air and on the ground were held back from hitting valid military targets time and time and time again. Things could have been very different, I do believe we had the power to win that war, somebody had a hidden agenda.

Can we win in afghanistan? No, even if you think you win you'll just loose the second you pull out. We can't stay there long enough and the longer we stay the more resistance there will be.


Well-Known Member
good call on video fdd. i dont know if its right move but something has to be done. we cant let taliban-al-qaeda just run free in afghanastan. we need to take em out plain and simple.
al-qaeda is no longer in afganistan. they packed their shit and headed to pakistan.

osama bin laden is nowhere to be found.

bush's mission was unaccomplishable, and we are proving it each and every day.

afganistan is the last place on earth a country in economic turmoil wants to be fighting a war.