Obama, Van Jones and the indoctrination of our children


Well-Known Member
LMAO@ "salacious lier"

BigP, please look up the definition of the word "salacious" (as well as the spelling of the word "liar", yes that's right l-i-A-r) and tell me that's the word you meant to use in that sentence.

The point of the story was NOT to pick apart people with different views. This mother made her child hysterical with worry that Obama would steal her piggy bank, to the point the child CRIED about it. Please tell me how that's good parenting.
I'll jump in...it's not "good" parenting...but then again the parent WAS being honest with her child. Who do you think is going to get anally raped on Social Security? That kid when she grows up. She'll pay into S.S. but will only receive a fraction of what she is owed...if anything.

Regardless it'll be about 1,000x more money stolen from that kid due to reckless spending of this administration...than if Obama just fucking took her piggy bank.

1 golden rule people: Republican or Democrat does not matter...big government is worse than small government. Always. Hell the rule applies to other countries as well. It's truly universal.

Big government is wasteful and inefficient. Big government means less freedoms.

Obama is cranking the US government to HUGE levels. 34 czars? None of them vetted? None of them elected? Are you fucking kidding me? What about the tax cheats now in charge of our money? Obama isn't even trying to hide his snake oil salesman ways...he just keeps selling more snake oil and his worshippers use the race card to stop all discussion.

Oh and if it was me that your wife called? I'd tell her that yes this administration is stealing from my child...if you are unable to teach my child w/o discussing politics with them...I'll complain to the school board.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
they're at it again; indoctrinating the children. Can you imagine if these kids were singing about GW?

‘Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama': How primary school children were taught to sing the President's praises

By David Gardner
Last updated at 11:01 PM on 24th September 2009

Politics and news for the rest of us
Yes, But, However…

« OPINION: Obama Youth Back Again!

Lyrics to School Children’s Song to Obama

Posted by John Romano in News and Analysis on September 24, 2009

Lyrics to the Pro-Barack Obama Song sung by school children in Burlington, New Jersey. Video of the children singing the song was released on YouTube recently. The Drudge Report and other media outlets focused on the video today.
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say “hooray!”
Hooray, Mr. President! You’re number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
So continue —- Mr. President we know you’ll do the trick
So here’s a hearty hip-hooray —-
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!



Well-Known Member
If you wonder how McCarthyism occurred, just look to today. It's not McCarthyism today, it's Foxism - and people are just too stupid to know there is no difference. Fear mongering is fear mongering, period.

The most ignorant statement I ever heard. Fox doesn't fear monger, they provide facts that point toward the validity of their speculation (although O'reilly claims he doesn't speculate).

That's exactly what they do. They don't claim something is fact when it isn't.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, right? You are rejecting fear of the facts, which could quite possibly be something to fear, as if the world is perfect and will always be that way.

You must fear fear, if you have a fear of fearful facts and speculation. So you simply ignore them. That's childish behavior.

You don't have the confidence (your fear overrides your courage) or experience (your ignorance overrides your flexibility) to consider any speculation backed up by facts.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
The fact is it's illegal to use federal funds for political gain.

Acorn is one

this indoctrination of the children - just as the Hitler youth was created - is 2

But this could never happen here, not in America, right? LOL

2 more years and the democrats lose congress :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The most ignorant statement I ever heard. Fox doesn't fear monger, they provide facts that point toward the validity of their speculation (although O'reilly claims he doesn't speculate).

That's exactly what they do. They don't claim something is fact when it isn't.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, right? You are rejecting fear of the facts, which could quite possibly be something to fear, as if the world is perfect and will always be that way.

You must fear fear, if you have a fear of fearful facts and speculation. So you simply ignore them. That's childish behavior.

You don't have the confidence (your fear overrides your courage) or experience (your ignorance overrides your flexibility) to consider any speculation backed up by facts.

Funny... there was a poll just recently that showed Fox News viewers are severely misinformed on current political events compared to people who get their news from other sources. Two polls, actually, if I recall correctly. One independent poll and a WaPo/WSJ poll. And before you say the polls were biased against Fox News - better find out who owns the Wall Street Journal (Hint: he owns Fox News, too)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Funny... there was a poll just recently that showed Fox News viewers are severely misinformed on current political events compared to people who get their news from other sources. Two polls, actually, if I recall correctly. One independent poll and a WaPo/WSJ poll. And before you say the polls were biased against Fox News - better find out who owns the Wall Street Journal (Hint: he owns Fox News, too)
You know where that pole can be found LOL

the fact is this happened, and the law suits (for child endangerment) are coming.

Listen to the Liberal Media if that's what makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but I prefer not to drink the kool aid


Well-Known Member
You know where that pole can be found LOL

the fact is this happened, and the law suits (for child endangerment) are coming.

Listen to the Liberal Media if that's what makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but I prefer not to drink the kool aid

the Wall Street Journal is far from "liberal media".

child endangerment? ROFLMAO! For what, exactly?

parents afraid the television will fall on their child while Obama speaks?

Come on, now.

No, you're drinking the conservative kool-aid, and it isn't even the real deal. It's a cheap knock off. (Flav-Or-Aid?)

come to the liberal side, we have the official kool-aid man pitcher and everything.

Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fsV7uDEEv8

Results of the poll can be found at both NBC news and WSJ web sites, if you want to dig through the data yourself. I'm too lazy to dig up the URLs, sorry.


Well-Known Member
clucky bunch of chickens, all runnin around scared because someone said SOUP.
whats realy funny is someone who says he's trying to turn america into nazi germany, then
almost inthe same breath they say he's a communist.
or wait, maybe he's a half muslim from kenya.

the christian right has been on a campaign to indoctrinate children for decades now.
what we are seeing is the mobilization of that army of brainwashed morons.
people so used to having their fears manipulated, they mistake it for thinking.


Well-Known Member
clucky bunch of chickens, all runnin around scared because someone said SOUP.
whats realy funny is someone who says he's trying to turn america into nazi germany, then
almost inthe same breath they say he's a communist.
or wait, maybe he's a half muslim from kenya.

the christian right has been on a campaign to indoctrinate children for decades now.
what we are seeing is the mobilization of that army of brainwashed morons.
people so used to having their fears manipulated, they mistake it for thinking.

ROFLMAO...I love that nazi/communist proclamation, too. Glenn Beck probably wrote the words "nazi" and "communist" on his chalkboard and then drew lines to connect them. Presto! Now they're the same, because there's a line connecting them, see?
i hope the people on here that aren't communist or socialist don't plan on drawing social security or taking part in medicare when they are older. This whole thing is insane I don't stand up for any political figure they are all crooked. The bottom line is for me if I had to choose between putting 10 trillion towards universal healthcare like every other civilized nation has, and they still manage to kick our ass econonmically, or 10 trillion for nation building it is a no brainer. that's just me though.


Well-Known Member
i hope the people on here that aren't communist or socialist don't plan on drawing social security or taking part in medicare when they are older. This whole thing is insane I don't stand up for any political figure they are all crooked. The bottom line is for me if I had to choose between putting 10 trillion towards universal healthcare like every other civilized nation has, and they still manage to kick our ass econonmically, or 10 trillion for nation building it is a no brainer. that's just me though.

Reforming health care IS nation-building. Employers who offer health insurance to their employees spend more money on that health insurance (generally speaking) than they do ANY other aspect of their business. That's how out of control health care costs have become.

I agree with you about the "non communist" "non socialist" members of our society, though. If they are THAT much against "socialism", then they shouldn't accept Medicare, tax returns, public transit, public roadways, public schooling, etc.

Basically ALL the aspects of our society that we've "socialised". Including the Constitution that says "all men are created equal" (that's a socialist ideal, after all).


New Member
"All men are created equal." Yes, created equal but with different talents, intelligence and work ethics. So, here's a question for you: If one person has more talent, more intelligence, and the ability/desire to work harder and serve more people, should that person be paid equally to that of a less talented, lazy slob?


Well-Known Member
"All men are created equal." Yes, created equal but with different talents, intelligence and work ethics. So, here's a question for you: If one person has more talent, more intelligence, and the ability/desire to work harder and serve more people, should that person be paid equally to that of a less talented, lazy slob?

It's clear from this response that you have NO idea what socialism is, and how it differs from communism.

Socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive. Socialism seeks to counterbalance the class divide created by pure capitalism.

Do you think the people as a collective should have the power, rather than a small handful of "elites"? That's socialism.
If you wonder how McCarthyism occurred, just look to today. It's not McCarthyism today, it's Foxism - and people are just too stupid to know there is no difference. Fear mongering is fear mongering, period.

You are going to have to get over your anger bro... Fox is not the problem...

Beck is a weirdo but the Obama group is just as bad... Just look at the group flying over the pond to secure the games for Chicago.. If you can't see the connection your blind..

I would hope the chronic would have helped you see the real deal. That’s what we are all about on here right?

I am nobody's robot, Fox's or CNN's… When you choose between these two we are screwed.. Wake up..

I will help the old and I will help the young the rest better just stay the fuck away from me. I don't wan't to drink your koolaid!!
You are going to have to get over your anger bro... Fox is not the problem...

Beck is a weirdo but the Obama group is just as bad... Just look at the group flying over the pond to secure the games for Chicago.. If you can't see the connection your blind..

I would hope the chronic would have helped you see the real deal. That’s what we are all about on here right?

I am nobody's robot, Fox's or CNN's… When you choose between these two we are screwed.. Wake up..

I will help the old and I will help the young the rest better just stay the fuck away from me. I don't wan't to drink your koolaid!!
What is wrong with trying to bring more money to the US? how is that crazy? what is crazy is the americans for prosperity cheering when we lost. If you don't want the olympics cool but cheering because we didn't get them unbelievable it is like half the country is in 3rd grade. sadbongsmilie
What is wrong with trying to bring more money to the US? how is that crazy? what is crazy is the americans for prosperity cheering when we lost. If you don't want the olympics cool but cheering because we didn't get them unbelievable it is like half the country is in 3rd grade. sadbongsmilie

It's sad allright... Watching our top leadership pluging for the games so that certain people(Val Jarret) benifit from being slum lords in chicago....


Well-Known Member
It's sad allright... Watching our top leadership pluging for the games so that certain people(Val Jarret) benifit from being slum lords in chicago....
This gem of wisdom from someone who said "fox is not the problem".

Valerie Jarrett doesn't own any assets in Chicago that would have stood to benefit from the Olympics being hosted there.

This is an outright LIE, spread by Faux News.

If you're going to repeat these lies, at least learn how to spell first.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Not too big of a news flash, our country is run on propaganda, why else do you think marijuana is illegal, fox news actually has an audience, and America fears socialism? Just as a few examples..


Well-Known Member
obama seems to be trying to steal america and change it into Nazi germany,

any one who doesn't see this in even just a little bit is a fool, a mark and a do boy who deserves what he gets.

anything untoward and illegal by washington will be met with carnage and revolution if all avenues of recourse are blocked. Let me be the first to die in the service of my country and the removal of totalitarianism so my son can live free as I have

Hord your guns my brothers lets not take any chances incase we have to cull the government if they trample our rights. We will have to revolt all over again. hope its not anytime soon

the US army bases are chock full of pariots and they can never put the amry against us if they tried, the army will take up arms to free thier people from the communists like Van fucking Jones

his group wrote the cap and trade bill and most of the health care bill he is a 9/11 truther and a trojan horse, he wants communisum in american and has said so from his own mouth.

this slob better be fired.

or you may find the state governments of the south organizing,

if obama keeps harming america, we will have a huge republican majority in the congress this time next year and will impeach him.
Oh my... I always thought ignorance was supposed to be bliss but it looks like its really freaking you out... Nazi Germany, really? See thats the problem with this whole propaganda idea that was originally proposed, its that kind of shit that causes irrational thought patterns capable of believing that Obama is some kind of hitler. I'll tell you what I will start to worry once Obama kills about 1 million or so more Jews, mmk?