Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize


Well-Known Member
Did i miss something.What the FUCK did he do to deserve this.

FUCKING nothing is what he has done...

Now i will get bashed for this.I will be called racist,a righty and a war monger and a hater.

Word to all you claim such things about me....


Green Cross

Well-Known Member

You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god,
Watch peoples heads aroll

Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the symphony...
Of destruction


Well-Known Member
This has really seemed to make a mockery of the ideal of the Nobel Peace Prize but then again. . . Yasser Arafat won too. I think the NPP has lost all credibility. Not just for this, it lost it's credibility a long time ago. I think Disney should get a post-mortem NPP. At least he tried to make a happy place.


New Member
This has really seemed to make a mockery of the ideal of the Nobel Peace Prize but then again. . . Yasser Arafat won too. I think the NPP has lost all credibility. Not just for this, it lost it's credibility a long time ago. I think Disney should get a post-mortem NPP. At least he tried to make a happy place.
yes, heck when they gave one to Al Gore for promoting flawed ideas.... it became official.... Nobel is a JOKE!!


Active Member
haha ya dude way to show those LIEberals. Global warming is just a hoax promoted by the dems, totally not by scientists around the world.


New Member

Even the german scientist who came up with the global warming hypothesis has retracted his findings!!!

It's a HOOT!!!


Well-Known Member
arafat was given a nobel prize for deciding not to blow someone up that year. gore was given the same prize for his shameless self-promotion. if i massacre my neighbors to the left and then advertise my intention not to kill those to the right, i should be a shoe in for next year.


Well-Known Member
Although I have been deliberately avoiding the Politics section lately, I feel I must comment on this topic.

Recipients of a Nobel Prize have accomplished something in order to get nominated. Nomination comes after the accomplishment. What has Obama done besides talk real purty? Apparently, getting himself elected was the pinnacle of his career and the world community acknowledges this. The selection of Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize is the epitath on his political headstone.

In short: World to Obama - "You're done."


Oh my goodness!


Well-Known Member
please, i quit plagiarizing before high school and that was a loooooong time ago. :mrgreen:
I wasnt accusing you of such, just part of my comment.bongsmilie

And yeah, when I looked at the list of past winners, I was taken aback when I saw Arafat on the list, than it all came back and I remembered how shocked I was when he won that tainted award.


Well-Known Member
As usual Glenn Beck has it nailed. Unlike earlier posts saying he will go crazy, he summed it up nicely in saying this proves, quite clearly, a great many of Beck's claims. Obama was put in for this two weeks after his inauguration, obviously they thought by now he would have accomplished a great deal of his agenda. Unfortunately, they overestimated the power of his celeb-messiah hypno ray and underestimated the logic and power of the American public's stupid policy/fascist/poser force field, which has blocked so much of this douchebag's agenda. It is an embarrassment to the Award and only HIGHLIGHTS how little Obama has accomplished, and at the same time showing how "in the bag" the MSM is for this guy.

As someone who does not support this administration's policy, I'm laughing my ass off at how these fools are exposing themselves. Knew it would happen, just didn't know it would be so quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
arafat was given a nobel prize for deciding not to blow someone up that year. gore was given the same prize for his shameless self-promotion. if i massacre my neighbors to the left and then advertise my intention not to kill those to the right, i should be a shoe in for next year.
arab-rat did win didnt he


Well-Known Member
Did you know there's a fucking store ONLINE dedicated to selling George W. Bush memorabilia?


Seriously, you can't have it both ways. Either it's okay for BOTH OF THEM, or it isn't okay for EITHER of them.
oh wow an online store, i actually ran one out of my house with a friend selling tactical equipment for airsoft stuff

we didnt have a fucking STORE FRONT

god yall are retarded


New Member
We're talking Nobel and DoobNoob is arguing about merchandising....:lol:

One of the many reasons he made my ignore list.....


Well-Known Member
There is currently very little support for this award. Even MSNBC is saying WTF...

Reuters is wondering how this happened too.