
Well-Known Member
I am a Democrat
WHy not come out and admit you hate non whites

Where is your "white pride"?
Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.
Well you answered his question. White separatism is not "race love", it's race hate.


Well-Known Member
Citing facts about someone is not "yelling racist".


You've always registered as Independent yet you can't spell it correctly?
That is your answer for everything Carne... Your racist and you can not spell. It is old and tired, give it a break.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member

Independant 33 up, 22 down
The man's way of spelling the word formerly known as independent. Independant recognizes that there are too many fucking e's in independent, and that only a woman would spell it that way.

Independant is independant of the bullshit of grammar nazis.


Well-Known Member
Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.


Well-Known Member
Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That is your answer for everything Carne... Your racist and you can not spell. It is old and tired, give it a break.
Who was it that quoted a racist and white supremacist author? (without citing the source I might add. A common racist tactic.) Who misspelled Independent even though claiming to have ALWAYS been one?

I'll give you a hint. Not me.


Well-Known Member
Who was it that quoted a racist and white supremacist author? (without citing the source I might add. A common racist tactic.) Who misspelled Independent even though claiming to have ALWAYS been one?

I'll give you a hint. Not me.
Again....Did what I posted happen or not? I could care less who wrote what I posted...Did or Did it not happen? Your tired old tactic does not work anymore. Either answer the question or move along, it really not that fucking hard. You can look at all my post, I have never said anything that is even remotely racist, so your tactic of calling people racist to devert away from answering the question, will not work. So again either answer or move along!


Well-Known Member
Again....Did what I posted happen or not? I could care less who wrote what I posted...Did or Did it not happen? Your tired old tactic does not work anymore. Either answer the question or move along, it really not that fucking hard. You can look at all my post, I have never said anything that is even remotely racist, so your tactic of calling people racist to devert away from answering the question, will not work. So again either answer or move along!

Yeah and you posted this as well

Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Again....Did what I posted happen or not? I could care less who wrote what I posted...Did or Did it not happen? Your tired old tactic does not work anymore. Either answer the question or move along, it really not that fucking hard. You can look at all my post, I have never said anything that is even remotely racist, so your tactic of calling people racist to devert away from answering the question, will not work. So again either answer or move along!
Do you mean did Lincoln declare martial law in Maryland after actual fighting broke out and he called on the states to supply militia to help suppress the rebellion? When the militia entered Baltimore some of them were attacked and killed in the streets by Confederate sympathizers. Maryland was in a position to cut off Washington from the rest of the union and the Governor at the time refused to allow any more troops through Maryland. We were dangerously close to losing Washington to the Confederate uprising. Lincoln declared martial law and suspended Habeas Corpus legally.

"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
Lincoln was dealing with rebellion AND possible invasion AND threat to public safety. This only affected Maryland at the time and then expanded to some of the midwestern states. What he did was legal and followed the Constitution to the letter. A justice of the supreme court took umbrage with it and defied the President declaring it unconstitutional. ONE judge. The Chief Justice at the time. HE defied Lincoln. Not the other way around. Or the way your racist author would have you believe.

There's your answer.


Well-Known Member
is zambonic quoting white supremacists now?

the things i miss when i mow the lawn and scrape the driveway.