Objects that you get high...

Well as in the title are there any objects you get high everytime you smoke? i'm talking about anything alive or an object that cant move (forgot the word for it). i tend to always get this plastic green duck that i colored the eyes red and called it marvin the green stoner duck and every time i smoke i blow clouds in its face and it just falls over from being baked :eyesmoke:

I also know of a friend who has a dog named rockdog and i've gone over there and smoked it up and it's so soft that i just kinda melt petting him and he is the chillest dog ever
you can get pretty high in a hot air balloon.
that sounds like a awesome idea...but wouldn't the wind totally fuck up your day when trying to light your bowl or joint? i've gotten high in a sauna before and thought i was dieing but when i got out it was like my feet were cement haha


Well-Known Member
lol .... I don't know if any of you remember the Concorde Class Business Jets from British Airways and Air France? Ahhhh... if it weren't for all the unexpected crashing, I would have rather enjoyed continuing flying with those guys. They gave this out which were known at the time as Lung Dongles, to say Thx for flying high with us.
