October 14th, Our Day Canada!


New Member
as you should know there is an election coming up.

This is our chance to make a big difference.

The liberals were great, Trudeau was great, but it all went down hill after that and they fucked us with the sponsorship scandal. we put them out of office and for some unknown reason we chose the conservatives. They fucked us over even quicker than the liberals did by dropping our taxes and destroying our economy, we now need to put them out of office and give the NDP a try.

I will tell you something 100%. The NDP is the only party that will push for legalization of our scared herb.

Do the right thing and get out Oct 14th and vote those conservative bastards out of office... dont let the old folgy's run our country!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with much of your post but i don't know if I could vote for the NDP.. i also confess that I'm the least familiar with their platform.. (I've taken a longer look at the green party's platform and other than their 'green' status, they are a fairly right-wing party)

In my riding, 20% of the popular vote right now is voting green (estimated) and the candidate is a very well respected politician.. i'm honestly debating whether to hop on the band wagon and vote green in hopes of winning a green seat to simply give them some more credibility as a 'mainstream' party.

(and because Dion would be a terrible leader and i'm not very conservative .)

I'm also glad that our election hasn't been dissected into voting for a half-black man vs. a senoir citizen (no offence to either mccain/obama)

I know there's more canadians on RIU, hopefully we can get some meaningful discussion going..

we're canadian, we dont bite.. personally, i'd like hear some more views too :)
