odd smell to harvest

This is my first grow and it isn't smelling like it should. Is there anything that could cause this or does the smell come with curing?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
im lost here...best thing to do in these situations is to send me all of it to test out, and ill give you an honest opinoin when im all done

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
What does it smell like?
Was it trimmed before it was left to dry?
Is it hung or racked or what?
Are you drawing air THRU the buds or blowing air ON the buds?
A relative humidity reading of the area its being hung in would be great.

How long has it been curing for?
It smells like a plant that is still a little wet I'm about to start curing I haven't started yet I just don't want to mess up my widow I'm hanging and then curing ok jars it doesn't smell like weed yet does it change when its dry ? I just don't Wanna mess it up.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
It smells like a plant that is still a little wet I'm about to start curing I haven't started yet I just don't want to mess up my widow I'm hanging and then curing ok jars it doesn't smell like weed yet does it change when its dry ? I just don't Wanna mess it up.
all fresh weed smells like plant for the most part if its wet.....give it a few days to dry then stress out if its still like that

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well it'll smell mostly of fresh green plant material, but also of ripe and pungent sticky-icky as long as you grew it right. I mean, anyone should be able to tell what it is by smell alone.

The smell will get WEAKER as it dries, but STRONGER as it cures in jars. 2 separate steps there.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Lol good so how long till it should start to smell different?
mine smells shitty for about 3-4 days, then the oils dry and yur left with a nice aroma of pot :) The longer it cures ina jar tho the better it will taste/smoke/smell

i cut mine down, hang em for 3-4 days, then jar em up...make sure you open the jars every few hours to air dry em, and yur golden


Well-Known Member
For me I find it takes 2 weeks of cure for that quality final product smell to really start to take over. Up to then it's hint of dank mixed with hay and other less attractive scents.

Don't even bother judging until the 2 week mark dude...

That is of course, assuming you didn't overdry in which case you're not really curing anymore.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
If its the one you chopped early she probably wont have much of a smell. At least thats what happened when i did it.
Could, depends on the strain and how it's grown. I could chop a girl at 4 weeks and have it smell skunky as shit. But it'll be much skunkier at 8 or 9 weeks!
Yea and I hope it won't affect it cause the few weeks early chop I mean it had clear trichomes. But thanks on the 2 week advice too