Odor ordinance??


Well-Known Member
As more cities in America legalise the drug, attention has switched to the pungent smell that wafts from the joint itself. Denver has passed a new “odour ordinance” with a potential $2,000 fine for anyone found guilty of polluting the atmosphere.
Not true.

The need to draw up standards emerged because of the confusion over the legal position of whether somebody smoking marijuana in their own home could be committing an environmental offence when the smell seeps into the street.

Under the new law an offence is committed if the odour is detectable when the smoke is mixed with seven times the volume of clean air.

The nose telescope – also known as an olfactometer – is the device used to measure the concentration of cannabis in the air.
Bullshit, such terrible reporting.
The ordinance that terrible article is talking about has nothing to do with marijuana, but more so with industrial smelss and such.

When the "smell" ordinance was proposed, it was almost immediately shot down. If they implemented it there would be legal actions taken against it and it would have been overturned at great expense. So the idiot politicians backed down.

You can smoke a 10 foot bong in your front yard if you want to.


Well-Known Member
good luck with that new law lol . but I could soon see them passing a law soon on. houses that stink like weed very bad all the way down the block . because some people get sick fro the smell of it .

some people don't use carbon filters and never vent there homes and I tell you not there house smell like total shit. pot factory. I would support that law.
You would support an unconstitutional law that would allow police to arrest you for smoking marijuana in your back yard?
You should inform yourself about what you want to support.

It doesn't matter, the proposed ordinance was not even put to vote. It would bring too many legal troubles.

because what if I or my parents had a nabor that had a grow op going that was making them sick or just to strong .

it not only pisses people off smelling that shit all day it also tells other ass holes there is a grow house near by and people will break into homes for the weed .
You obviously do not know what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Open consumption is not legal.

If your grow odor is detectable outside your home its illegal.

Regardless of any Denver municipal codes.


Well-Known Member
It just seems that the people that are against all this will come up with something to fuck with us.

Like ...oh, i smell weed from my neighbors house..ima call the cops....

dude, MYOB!!!

So, my next door neighbor which is in the Chair Force smokes cigarettes and so does his wife. Can I complain because I dont like the smell of cig smoke?

I will clearly smoke in my Garage with the door open and not 2 fucks are given. I walked down the street the other day with a blunt to check my mail WITH the Mail LAdy there...she just laughed and said right on!


The part that talks about being detectable from outside.
OPENLY means: Not protected from unaided observations lawfully made from outside its perimeter not involving physical intrusion.

I can see your interpretation, but I disagree. The spirit of the law is visual observation, that is what was intended. It may be something we need to clarify.

There are many reasons an odor issue with your grow would be unenforceable:

1. Even if I cover the odor with Ona or something, its still an odor, so it would still be in violation, according to your logic. So there is no practical solution.
2. People will start calling the police when they smell pot and CLAIM their neighbors are growing, when in fact they may just be smoking. Can the general public smell the difference between marijuana smoke and growing marijuana plants? You are going to end up with a bunch of illegal searches.

Having said that, I am an advocate of responsible growing. I do everything I can to avoid odor issues, but when it comes down to it, I'd stand my ground if nitty came to gritty on this minor issue.


I do not agree with a law that is aimed at people with house's that smell like pot at all. The thing is, I grow my own, and I filter that shit. I am a veteran, and live in an area with a lot of veterans as well. I try to keep the smell down just because I never want to hear a complaint. I don't smell up the neighborhood, but even if I did, it does also potentially attract burglars and the like(so I understand certain complaints). I am aware of this, I am pretty stealthy and I live in a house with two military working dogs, I would feel bad for anyone who breaks into my house, I am just afraid of the combination of my dogs that I love, my tiny grow, and the few firearms that I own legally causing an issue with the LEOs.