Off season grow outdoor 60L

Hey fellow weed enthusiasts. This is my first time posting so ill get right into it. I started a off season northern light grow with one seed and i just wanna know if its worth the effort. Ive heard and read many stories of off season growing and they usually suggest that the plants wont thrive as well as a normal seasonal grow. I chose the Northern light photoperiod strain because I've also read that NL does well in colder climates. And i didnt want to try auto flower yet as i am still a new grower. I've only harvested around 4 plants successfully in my time growing so far and I've learned a lot since.

So long story short id just like to know if my NL will surprise me or disappoint me. I use organic methods to fertilize the plant such as seaweed banana peals etc..although i haven't had the chance to get more seaweed due to the lockdown.
Its been about 20 days since the plant sprouted.
Growth was slow in the first two weeks but now at the end of the 3rd week it seems to be developing rapidly
Leaves are already developing on the side nodes and this both worries me and excites me
I don't know if this means the plant is doing good or will go into early flower
If anyone knows anything that can help or put my mind at ease it would be greatly appreciated
(I live in south Africa and the local rastas praise our country for being on of the best places to grow outdoor but if this is true i am unsure)
Also slight nutrient burn on lower leaves due to trying trail mix and i quickly flushed the plant after i noticed it
Safe Regards to all.

Stay high. Stay inside✊