OG Canna Grow - Pariah Gardener

OG Canna Grow

New Member
What's up everyone, I'm OG Canna Grow. I'm new to this whole growing scene. I've spent many months researching, reading forums, etc. I am not lucky enough to live in a state that has the same views as myself for the health benefits that cannabis has to provide. I know I will probably get a little slam for this but I personally can't smoke. Due to my job, they do random drug test all the time. I do suffer from PTSD from Afghanistan and know cannabis would help. I am growing mainly for my wife. She has some health problems and cannabis is the only medicine that helps. It's way too expensive to keep buying so she finally gave me the green light on growing. I am looking forward to getting to know other members, share stories and advice.

P.s. I see people using g/watt to "rate" their grow. I got bored the other day and thought of a different unit of measuring. Instead of g/w, what about gram/KwH/grow cycle. Basically take total Kwh used in veg and flower. Let's say you veg 18hrs with 500w for 40 days. That's 360KwH. Flower 12hrs, 1000w light for 60 days. That's 720Kwh. Total electric usage is 1080KwH. Say you yielded 1500grams. You would yield 1.5g/w, or my way 1500grams/1080Kwh = 1.38g/Kwh/grow cycle. Takes veg/flower duration and light cycle into account.
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Well-Known Member
Hi OG, go ahead and post your idea but the stoners are still going to say grams per watt.