OG Kush grey cotton ball looking substance throughout dried bud


I saw grey white things on a dried bud. I looked through a 30x mag glass and it looks like cotton ball or dryer lint the size 2-3 millimeters. I can pull them off. I thought that fuzzy material from the inside of a pocket. But I looked inside the bud and they are inside too. They have grown on and in bud?? I was thinking mites or mold??? Any ideas? Thanks


Well-Known Member
at first i was thinking mold too but it isn't like usual mold. it doesn't grow on buds per say it's just within the bud when you pull sections of bud off. i can pull it away from the buds easily and cleanly.

egg sacs sounds probable.


Active Member
its mold . to moist.. let it dry out more and try to cut off all the mold you can .. or throw the shit out.


Active Member
Becareful guys that is MOLD I wouldn't smoke that, that means one thing: HUMIDITY, you didn't dried your buds right or theres to much humidity in your room. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
its definitely mold and can be caused by a LOT of things,mostly excess moisture, over ripening, etc dont smoke it and dont sell it! if all of the buds have it count urself a loss broheim srry
Old post I know,sorry but I did this too. Didn't dry it enough before putting in a jar.
My question is: Instead of smoking it, and throwing it out, has anyone made it into butter? Would the boiling kill the mold?


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like mold to me, sounds like egg sacks of some kind. Mold eats the bud, you can't pull if away cleanly. If not then I'm confused!