Oh no! Tolerance? Harvest Aftermath


Well-Known Member
well he was speaking abstractly, like he reversed his tolerance.... but yeah I see your point but the fact is when people come on here stnoed as fuck on indicas they're not gonna give a fuck about what words they use specifically. even if it is a dramatic difference ...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think I see the confusion about reverse tolerance and "smoke less, get higher" and what you guys mean.

When you smoke you get high. When you smoke more you get higher, but not always as much - diminishing returns.

For example: You have 28 grams. You smoke 14 right now. You will be baked out of your gord. When you smoke 1 g tomorrow morning you won't be as high. But if you only smoke 1 g today you will still be baked (not as much as from 14g, but also not only 1/14th as much. You get more bang for your buck by only smoking enough to get you "high" and no more), and tomorrow when you smoke 1 g you will be higher than in scenario 1 (where you smoked a half ounce last night). Rationing out the weed and smoking just enough to get you high will therefore give you more "high" time with less weed.

Maybe I don't understand what "reverse tolerance" means, but it is my understanding that this is just regular tolerance.


Well-Known Member
I think I see the confusion about reverse tolerance and "smoke less, get higher" and what you guys mean.

When you smoke you get high. When you smoke more you get higher, but not always as much - diminishing returns.

For example: You have 28 grams. You smoke 14 right now. You will be baked out of your gord. When you smoke 1 g tomorrow morning you won't be as high. But if you only smoke 1 g today you will still be baked (not as much as from 14g, but also not only 1/14th as much. You get more bang for your buck by only smoking enough to get you "high" and no more), and tomorrow when you smoke 1 g you will be higher than in scenario 1 (where you smoked a half ounce last night). Rationing out the weed and smoking just enough to get you high will therefore give you more "high" time with less weed.

Maybe I don't understand what "reverse tolerance" means, but it is my understanding that this is just regular tolerance.
well the tolerance to cannabis isn't the same as that of other drugs because there is a cap where you wont get high anymore.

with pretty much all other drugs you can take more and get higher.

with cannabis your cannabinoid receptors will eventually say fuck you, so I think your 14 gram theory isn't actually accurate because I've smoked myself sober before.....

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So that 13 additional grams you smoked did more harm by raising your tolerance than it did good by getting you high. If you simply smoked less at that time, your tolerance will be lower the next time you smoke.


Well-Known Member
So that 13 additional grams you smoked did more harm by raising your tolerance than it did good by getting you high. If you simply smoked less at that time, your tolerance will be lower the next time you smoke.
read my post, I think you would smoke yourself sober, I've done it before ;)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
well the tolerance to cannabis isn't the same as that of other drugs because there is a cap where you wont get high anymore.

with pretty much all other drugs you can take more and get higher.

with cannabis your cannabinoid receptors will eventually say fuck you, so I think your 14 gram theory isn't actually accurate because I've smoked myself sober before.....
That's what I was getting at. 14 grams was an extreme (and pretty unrealistic) example but the principal is the same. I don't agree that there is an absolute saturation when you get no higher, but it does level off quite a bit. The first few puffs give you the most high for the weed, then it's diminishing returns. So is a LITTLE extra high worth raising your tolerance significantly? I think the consensus is no.


Well-Known Member
The doc who signed my cert for a card says that it takes 48 hours to clear out your receptors when tolerance gets high.


Well-Known Member
for me it was like this, when i started smoking we used to smoke huge bowls, it was all indica hash, well it got boring and expensive, always more and more for a more and more mjeh.

quit for 7 months, then happened upon a rather rare type of hash, extremely potent, of course bought a piece, just tried a bit, like fingernails worth (finely mixed 1g hash to 2g tobacco) and was stoned the rest of the day (morning till evening just had that first toke, didnt even miss it till i had 2 more that evening)

well, i noticed this, and since then ive usually smoked small bowls and much less than what i did younger.

get more ripped easily too.

smoked daily for 15 years and after that 7 month break i usually smoked 1g a day, though this has gone sometimes up to 3gs after i started growing, usually im around 1g (tend to be having a bipolarepisode during the 3g periods)

i sorta treat the weed like medicine, i just smoke what i need to get comfortable, keeping it at that level. that and the small bowl preference keeps the tolerance levels at where i can still get royally ripped if i want to or need to.

i dont know if seven months is necessary lol, probably isnt, but if you are smoking alot, might as well, try to extend that rest period as far as you can.

its worth it.

i wont share a bowl with a bigbowlheavytoker, lol no way, its such a waste, i maybe have 2-3 bowls ,0.3g maybe and the other dude´s gone through 1-3g´s and still pacing about, not really feeling anything but for moments, while im totally ripped and a longer time smoker to boot.

i was like that, 2-3 guys smoking over a weekend and 20-30 g´s of good hash gone.

course you get totally ripped at first on the big bowls and the more ripped the bigger the bowls, but before you know it you are onto bho and rosin and whatnot and when you barely are feeling 90% hash lol , what then?

course it depends on the way you come at it, if your intent is just to get more and more ripped, sure , heck, why not?

but if you are using it as a medicine, might be better to think it out bit, you are probably gonna be using it longtime, mayhaps all your life :D

might as well be sensible about it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Started a debate I see. Perhaps it is the phrase "reverse tolerance" that is skewing everyone's understanding. Let me describe the effect that I'm talking about and then you can call it whatever you like.

When my girls first started budding I would trim the smaller buds, dry it and smoke it. I started out smoking only a very little bit because that's all there was. As they grew I was able to take more and more from it (without damaging the plant of course) and I was smoking nearly every day, sometimes 3 and 4 times a day; this was from the excitement of finally having weed after a 3 year absence and the fact that I was growing my own.

Gradually as I harvested and cured and there was plenty for a very long time, I started smoking less frequently, maybe 2-3 times a day. until finally I'm smoking 1-2 times a day and I find that I'm getting MUCH MUCH higher than I did when I was smoking 3-4 times a day, or even when I was taking those first few little buds. And the amount per session is much less in addition to the number of times per day.

In those 1-2 times a day I'm smoking maybe two full bowls or less, whereas before when I was smoking 3-4 times a day I was smoking 3-6 full bowls. If I roll a joint nowadays I take two big hits and I'm stupid for hours. Before I'd smoke 3/4 of a joint to get that. Seems to me I'm smoking a LOT less and getting a LOT higher, and this is off a Sativa.