*Oh Oh, here comes the pain:ATTACK APPROVED!!


New Member
they are just sad but true facts that we all know, though we may try our hardest to deny them. wishing the world were a better place than it really is is only a path to self destruction. acting in a manner that is better than we are, but being cautious to prepare for the worst, is the laudable and rational position. politicians, however, rarely do the laudable or the rational thing unless they see some personal profit to it and we all seem to go along with the farce.
Look man, dis me all you want. I'm not anti-semetic. I just know most of those really in control are Jews. I'm an anti-control freak. always have been, always will be. When those in control are there for their own agenda, not the USAs, then I see a problem with Jews. Why do we we send untold billions to a jewish country that uses it for missles and firepower to "protect themselves" but basically use them to treat their neighbors like crap. If the Jews really need a country, I say give them Darfur, a country in southeast Sudan, there they could save the people and set up a country no-one in Africa would fuck with. It would give them a much larger plot of land and free them from "extremest: muslims, a win-win situation. BTW, Did I, an Irish English Dutch Cherokee, end up in a Jewish hell on this site?


New Member
only tyrants and fools would have us remain unprepared. fools because they cannot even recognize the evil within themselves and tyrants because our downfall leads to their power.
Exactly correct, undertheice. Dictators are bullies. They strut, bluff, huff and puff and continue to do so under our policies of appeasement. As long as we appease, they think we are soft. The best thing we could do to stop Iran's nuclear weapons development, would be to place OUR missiles into Israel and point them right at the Mulla leaders of Iran, with the unmistakable message, and a timetable, for Iran to dismantle any nukes now under construction.

Honestly, so many Americans are devoid of history. Here in our recent past, the Soviet Union placed nuclear weapons on the shores of Cuba. President Kennedy gave the Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev an ultimatum: Either remove the missiles from Cuba by a date certain, or we will impose nuclear war upon the Kremlin. Americans moved to action. The missiles were removed from Cuba post haste.

Like the bluffing bully the Soviet Union was, so is the leadership of Iran.


PS: Dankdude ... please post your sources for your position on China's military strength. Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
looks like imadinnerjacket wants to come visit us in new york this september

Iranian TV: Ahmadinejad To Visit NYC, Again

NEW YORK (CBS) ― Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told state TV that he will return to New York City once again for the 2008 United Nations General Assembly session, according to an Associated Press report posted on the Jerusalem Post's Web site.

During his last stay in late September, thousands of protesters gathered outside the U.N. headquarters rallying against his visit. He had requested during that time a tour of ground zero, where he was denied permission to go and lay a wreath.

He also held a forum at Columbia University, where the school's president welcomed him by saying he exhibited "all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator."

Ahmadinejad has attended each session since he was elected president in 2005. This year's meeting will be held on July 18 at the UN Headquarters in New York City.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
let them kill each other ....

I was of this same mindset for about 2 minutes. Hard not to be when we are getting our asses kicked by zealots in the ME who make us look like monsters if we attack where they hide (schools, places of religious worship).

How do we "win" and make peace in a region where the people we are fighting don't conduct their warfare with even the most basic principles of respect for human life.

Again... I have no idea what the answer is.... but I think we need to one of two things:

1) "know when to cut our losses" and abandon the people of the ME yet again. :(

2) Fuck the tent operation we have going on and establish PERMANENT and BIG ASS US MILITARY BASES there. Go in with a permanent SHOW OF FORCE! Fuck their government who wants us out.....we all know they will crumble the minute we leave (if you think different then you are stupid, stupid stupid!)... so fuck the tents and go in with BIG HUGE MILITARY BASES ready to SEEK AND DESTROY all that oppose freedom for all!

Option B of course means we are going to FORCE a Western Civilization of Freedom for all on the region. Is that so bad? I mean if a woman still wants to ask permission of her husband to go shopping then she has that right.... but if he beats and or rapes her for not doing so then... HE WILL PAY BY OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM not their weak system. Again... is that so bad that they learn women are NOT "property"? This is planet EARTH.... IMHO we (as the superpower) have not only the right... but the DUTY to ensure that freedom for all!

I'm pretty sure we picked a fight we weren't ready to commit long term to..... I'm also pretty sure we need to back up our shit and STAY FOREVER! We have bases all over the world.... Iraq is another place we can and should start building a HUGE ASS military base. They may not like our ways at first.... but that's because they don't know true freedom. Give them 20 years of freedom and let's see what shakes from the tree.... it's GOT TO be better then the rotten apples dropping from the tree now. It's also all that we haven't tried yet. Time to let the people of Iraq know for certain we are there to stay and REALLY enforce change.

We should also use Special Ops forces to assassinate Ahmadinejad... that fucker needs to be taken OUT!

Next AFRICA!!!! FREEDOM for their people from the torture of the janjaweed!!



New Member
I was of this same mindset for about 2 minutes. Hard not to be when we are getting our asses kicked by zealots in the ME who make us look like monsters if we attack where they hide (schools, places of religious worship).

How do we "win" and make peace in a region where the people we are fighting don't conduct their warfare with even the most basic principles of respect for human life.

Again... I have no idea what the answer is.... but I think we need to one of two things:

1) "know when to cut our losses" and abandon the people of the ME yet again. :(

2) Fuck the tent operation we have going on and establish PERMANENT and BIG ASS US MILITARY BASES there. Go in with a permanent SHOW OF FORCE! Fuck their government who wants us out.....we all know they will crumble the minute we leave (if you think different then you are stupid, stupid stupid!)... so fuck the tents and go in with BIG HUGE MILITARY BASES ready to SEEK AND DESTROY all that oppose freedom for all!

Option B of course means we are going to FORCE a Western Civilization of Freedom for all on the region. Is that so bad? I mean if a woman still wants to ask permission of her husband to go shopping then she has that right.... but if he beats and or rapes her for not doing so then... HE WILL PAY BY OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM not their weak system. Again... is that so bad that they learn women are NOT "property"? This is planet EARTH.... IMHO we (as the superpower) have not only the right... but the DUTY to ensure that freedom for all!

I'm pretty sure we picked a fight we weren't ready to commit long term to..... I'm also pretty sure we need to back up our shit and STAY FOREVER! We have bases all over the world.... Iraq is another place we can and should start building a HUGE ASS military base. They may not like our ways at first.... but that's because they don't know true freedom. Give them 20 years of freedom and let's see what shakes from the tree.... it's GOT TO be better then the rotten apples dropping from the tree now. It's also all that we haven't tried yet. Time to let the people of Iraq know for certain we are there to stay and REALLY enforce change.

We should also use Special Ops forces to assassinate Ahmadinejad... that fucker needs to be taken OUT!

Next AFRICA!!!! FREEDOM for their people from the torture of the janjaweed!!
Gunbarrel democracy never works unless it's started by the patriots/dissedents in their own country, Aint you never read history girl?


Well-Known Member
Ummm... quick question, yall prob. are going to hate me for saying this, but...
What has Ahmadinejad done to the US? Why do we need to assassinate him?

Before we go around the globe destroying countries, shouldnt we find the supposed WMDs in Iraq? Shouldnt we handle the Taliban situation in Afghanistan? And what about that guy Osama Bin Laden?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ummm... quick question, yall prob. are going to hate me for saying this, but...
What has Ahmadinejad done to the US? Why do we need to assassinate him?
Anyone??? OK... I'll start off....

Let's see.....

He has called for the "dissolution" of Israel. Ummm excuse me but Israel is NOT a "region" it is a COUNTRY..... so essentially he wants to TAKE OVER that country! Not only that but he's made statements that suggest he wants Israel "wiped off the map".

Remember Hitler? Ahmadinejad is hitler on steroids!

Is that reason enough or do you need more?


Well-Known Member
The take Isreal off the map comment has completley been taken out of contex. He never even said the word "map". He was just hoping that the Zionist regime would fall, not that he was going to use force. And he never said he was going to take over Israel. Comparing this guy to Hitler is terribly wrong.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The take Isreal off the map comment has completley been taken out of contex. He never even said the word "map". He was just hoping that the Zionist regime would fall, not that he was going to use force. And he never said he was going to take over Israel. Comparing this guy to Hitler is terribly wrong.


Well-Known Member

I was of this same mindset for about 2 minutes. Hard not to be when we are getting our asses kicked by zealots in the ME who make us look like monsters if we attack where they hide (schools, places of religious worship).

How do we "win" and make peace in a region where the people we are fighting don't conduct their warfare with even the most basic principles of respect for human life.

Again... I have no idea what the answer is.... but I think we need to one of two things:

1) "know when to cut our losses" and abandon the people of the ME yet again. :(

2) Fuck the tent operation we have going on and establish PERMANENT and BIG ASS US MILITARY BASES there. Go in with a permanent SHOW OF FORCE! Fuck their government who wants us out.....we all know they will crumble the minute we leave (if you think different then you are stupid, stupid stupid!)... so fuck the tents and go in with BIG HUGE MILITARY BASES ready to SEEK AND DESTROY all that oppose freedom for all!

Option B of course means we are going to FORCE a Western Civilization of Freedom for all on the region. Is that so bad? I mean if a woman still wants to ask permission of her husband to go shopping then she has that right.... but if he beats and or rapes her for not doing so then... HE WILL PAY BY OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM not their weak system. Again... is that so bad that they learn women are NOT "property"? This is planet EARTH.... IMHO we (as the superpower) have not only the right... but the DUTY to ensure that freedom for all!

I'm pretty sure we picked a fight we weren't ready to commit long term to..... I'm also pretty sure we need to back up our shit and STAY FOREVER! We have bases all over the world.... Iraq is another place we can and should start building a HUGE ASS military base. They may not like our ways at first.... but that's because they don't know true freedom. Give them 20 years of freedom and let's see what shakes from the tree.... it's GOT TO be better then the rotten apples dropping from the tree now. It's also all that we haven't tried yet. Time to let the people of Iraq know for certain we are there to stay and REALLY enforce change.

We should also use Special Ops forces to assassinate Ahmadinejad... that fucker needs to be taken OUT!

Next AFRICA!!!! FREEDOM for their people from the torture of the janjaweed!!

Holy shit, you get the award for "Foreign policy retard of the month".............great job, you had some good competitors but this one takes the cake


Well-Known Member
how many countries has this guy invaded?

lets not allow them to have nuclear weapons and wait till they do what they are saying they will do, death to america death to isreal,

pretend its on your watch and you have all these families lives on your shoulders.

would you let that dictatorial oppressive government gain nucleur weapons and let it dominate the region so all the arab counties around it fear it, the arabs want nukes now cuz of iran threat. iran is atleast 50% of the reason there was so much incergency in iraq killing our brave soilders and maiming them. paid for by these fucks!! we can crush them and all the while they are fuckin us in the ass!

the generals were already like wtf iran is attacking us clandestantly

I dont think america can offord to just let it slide

irans people hate thier government

isreal is gonna protect itsself no matter what

its time to tell them them the jig is up. time to point the tips at thier leaders heads an say now or never



Well-Known Member
lets not allow them to have nuclear weapons and wait till they do what they are saying they will do, death to america death to isreal,

pretend its on your watch and you have all these families lives on your shoulders.

would you let that dictatorial oppressive government gain nucleur weapons and let it dominate the region so all the arab counties around it fear it, the arabs want nukes now cuz of iran threat. iran is atleast 50% of the reason there was so much incergency in iraq killing our brave soilders and maiming them. paid for by these fucks!! we can crush them and all the while they are fuckin us in the ass!

the generals were already like wtf iran is attacking us clandestantly

I dont think america can offord to just let it slide

irans people hate thier government

isreal is gonna protect itsself no matter what

its time to tell them them the jig is up. time to point the tips at thier leaders heads an say now or never
why is israel allowed to have nukes but iran can't

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, you get the award for "Foreign policy retard of the month".............great job, you had some good competitors but this one takes the cake
REALLY??? Just thanks!!!!....... you uneducated ass-wipe!!!!!

I'd be willing to bet I know more about foreign policy and its effect on the world then you!

You sir/madam win the JACKASS award for calling a person a "retaard" and without providing any REBUTTAL whatsoever!!! ....jackass! LMFAO!!!!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Ok im pretty sure he wants them dead. lmao. But the point is hes not an idiot. He can say all damn long, hey, i hate you Zionist faggots. That doesnt mean hes going to send a few nukes their way though. Come on. He knows better. Hes basically said, im not going to do anything, im going to let god handle it. But if you attack me... thats a different story.


Well-Known Member
REALLY??? Just thanks!!!!....... you uneducated ass-wipe!!!!!

I'd be willing to bet I know more about foreign policy and its effect on the world then you!

You sir/madam win the JACKASS award for calling a person a "retaard" and without providing any REBUTTAL whatsoever!!! ....jackass! LMFAO!!!!
No offense at all Florida Girl, but come on. If you have family in the military, ask them how they feel about being in Iraq forever.


Well-Known Member
why is israel allowed to have nukes but iran can't
no one you can't say you can't have something once you already have it. it may not seem fair that some have nukes and others don't, but the entire international community is against nuclear proliferation for a good reason. perhaps you'd like for every brain dead warlord and tin pot dictator to have their own button to push.