oh shiiite what did i do to mommy

so i got this clone planning on making it my mother and then cloning her to try a dwc in a 5 gal bucket. she was healthy and happy then she got all droopy and sad on me!

im a first time grower havent had much experience she is an all organic soil some cheap 12 dollar bag from home depot.
i use tap water with a ph of about 6.5
lighting is 3 65 watt cfl's within 2 inches ofte canopy

watering schedule is about 2 times a day i just stick my finger in the soil if its been dry a while i hose her down .

i researched this forum before i posted to find the answer but alas could not come to conclusion out of desperation i gotsuper thrive and mixed a 1/4 tsp into my gallon sprayer

**up to the minute* since the super thrive she has perked back up is this a nutrient problem**


Joe Hemp

Watering twice a day in soil? Less water is probably the solution here as too much water will just stress the plant out. If that picture is recent that little plant isn't going to take in much water in the run of a day, especially with a CFL grow as there's no heat to contend with. As for nutrients, the soil probably contains enough to sustain the plant for the time being. One piece of advice though, you say you're using tap water? If your water is municipal (not from a well) then let your water stand for at least 24 hours before giving it to your plant to allow the chlorine to dissipate. Hope this helps and that your plant turns out well as it looks like a promising little cutting!


Joe Hemp