OK need help i have a major problem

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
OK so heres the story i been growing pot with these "seeds"... a firend of mine got arrested last night got out today and came to tell me that the police know about me because i got these "seeds" in the mail. the post office had my name on the list and sent it to the police. i dont live in a big town most of the cops are cooked anyways. but thanks to my friend i now know about this. they dont really have any evidence on me. i dont deal with shady people. the only thing they know is my name on a list. havent been questioned or anything. i am on probation right now. drug tests random/weekly. but i growin pot in my closet of my bedroom. i live in a non med state. what can i do. i will take everything down in the morning and try to do something with it. idk what i can do with it.. grow tomatoes? and get rid of all traces of growing and everything.


Active Member
Why do you use quotes around seeds if they are actually seeds? Are your "seeds" something other than seeds? Bummer about the list but why are you growing and slinging bags on probation?


Active Member
I don't think they need evidence or probable cause seems how your on probation.

This is why you shouldn't have seeds sent to the residence that your growing at.


New Member
HMMM...I just got a flash in my head of the old Baretta show theme song. Personally I would question my 'buddy' as to why the cops would bring up your name during his arrest process. A rat will do anything to get off a sinking ship.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
yes i ordered seeds. the cops have nothing on me except the post office flagged my seed from nirvana shipment. they were just trying to get any info they could as my friend is my neighbor. he told them nothing. im not slinging anything. just personal. Its small town stuff around here. crooked cops. the chief of police smokes pot with my aunt and uncle while they run their trucking business. as long as im not kingpin or anything i should be ok.. just talked with mom since its her house but since i grow for me and her. she said as long as no one comes to the door and u dont have any parties. they have no reason to come over. if i do sell anything it goes with me in the morning to work and thats it nothing else. i dont deal out in public. no one comes to the house. like i said its all personal maybe a little bit to the guys at work. but the only thing they have on me is the seeds that got flagged when they came in the mail. im gonna keep doing what i do as long as no one comes knocking at the door. no parties. no reason they police should have to come over here.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
and i dont even think the local cops have any idea im on probation. its all county stuff. so far the city knows i ordered a couple seeds and thats it. my friend will not talk. he just got an open container charge hell not like he was slinging dope or anything. ill just play it cool with the cops. have a party and throw some veggies in there lol. watch them try to bust me and make a fool of themselves.


Ur leaving a wide open trail to u right here.. paper! Mans work enemy till its wrapped and burning the buds inside.. :-)


Well-Known Member
youll be fine. just have a plan to stuff the seedlings down your pants or something if you PO comes by... an unannounced visit could really fuck shit up. as of now, they have no reason to toss you up


Well-Known Member
I don't get why growing pot is more important than getting through your probation without getting tossed in prison.

Dude, you are fucking up. If you are on probation, they don't need a reason to search you or your house, they just have to show up. The whole point of probation is that you trade jail/prison for having a MONITORED existence within society. They fucking own your ass until you successfully complete your probation.

And of all drugs, fucking pot? The one that sticks with you the longest, and the one that is easiest detected by LEO? Really? You can't just booze it up and hide for a day or do a shroom trip here and there to get your fix and be clean in a day or two if you have to have a high to get by?

Take all the stupid shit you are doing, and put it all together and ask yourself this question..."What is the best thing that can happen?"

So best case scenerio, you make a couple bucks and you get to smoke pot or your mom smokes pot or whatever. Thats the best thing that could happen, you don't get caught, you make a couple bucks and you get to be high here and there, or someone else does, whatever.

Now considering you are on probation and subject to being searched if they feel the need, what happens when they find it?

If you take all things into consideration and the probability of getting busted, you would be an idiot to continue growing and dealing. Your name is on a list, you are on probation, you buddy just talked to cops about.....? What really, you weren't there and you never truely know a person until someone else holds a knife to their throat.


Well-Known Member
I got a buddy that just got sent back to prison to finish out his sentance... U know y? He was at a house that had another parolee in it and his po showed up randomly. The fucker freaked and tried to hide n the bathroom but he got caught. HES GOING BACK FOR YEARS BECAUSE HE HID IN THE BATHROOM . Thays about as dumb as growing pot on parole man. He got slamed just for trying to hide. Imagine if ur po shows up and u got pot... Growing, n a baggie, who knows. Im pretty sure hes gonna flip the fuck out and take u n. Most caeses that fuck up on parole have to finish out there sentance PLUS whatever bullshit they pin to u. And being that alot of cops r crooked in general, id get that shit far away from my house as possable. O why goodmorning blahdy blah... Were here to look around... O whats this... Weed... And Marijuana plants? Turn around and put ur hands behind ur back. Yeah that sounds fun. B smart man and just finish ur shit out. If ur providing for ur mom i would hope that she realizes that it can wait or she can get it somewhrre else cuz shes gonna b pretty damn upset when ur gettin ur shit pushed in by big bubba


Active Member
bro loose em, Have you ever had to do calenders before? it aint worth it especially for some plants. You will be able to grow again once off. One of my PO's used to stop by about twice a month on me, and always during a time most inconvienent. Having a plan to stash em or trash em if you see em coming to your door is a bad idea, you won't have time before you know it your down on the ground.


Active Member
in 04 I caught 3felonys and my first PO onetime saw me out at resteraunt with my gf and came up to me and told me I had to leave because they served alchahol... They are fuckers. and anytime the police ran my name they new I was on papers and anytime I saw my PO she new when the police ran my name, it's only a matter of time before the locals figure it out.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
see its all small town. the cops dont know i got seeds in the mail. but suspested package. i had a packages shipped from amsterdam nothing was illegal it was searched and opened by us customs. its just the small town cops drama trying to make a name. they know the drug dealers here in town. they know im not one of them. just keeping an eye on me. no unusual activity in or on my property. the chief of police smokes weed with my aunt and uncle. im sure a little grow for myself not supporting the cartels is ok to them. if it was illegal items in my package the usps shouldnt have delivered them to me right? or are they waiting for me to make a move? but i havent been out in a few months due to random drug testing daily. and no license. just back and fourth to work. im not out buying big wheels for my car posted up in the parking lot with my music bumping. unless an officer shows up at my door. which i do know the cops in my town. its just being smart about it. they know who deals and who doesnt deal. yes i might have made a mistake having them shipped to my house...clean up my mess. lay low. wait till the heat blows over and go again? the probation im on is a little different than that though.


Well-Known Member
you don't hang around shady people...just one of your friends got arrested and had what seems to be a pretty friendly conversation about your parcel with the local cops... totally not shady... lol


Active Member
This whole thing is comedy. Why did you ask the question if you are completely opposed to taking the answer everyone is giving? You obviously want us to say to grow trees and fuck the police so here it is... Grow Trees and FUCK THE POLICE!!!

Common sense dictates that you cant dictate common sense.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
you don't hang around shady people...just one of your friends got arrested and had what seems to be a pretty friendly conversation about your parcel with the local cops... totally not shady... lol
but see i trust him. were not bad people. u know not gangs or anything. just a friend who i have known my whole life here. the cops were trying to get more information from him on me because they know we are best friends, they thought he would crack on me. hes just a normal stoner just like me. became best friends since i can remember. not going to crack on me. my friend knows what they were trying to do. cause he wasnt in there for anything major hell. its all small town stuff cops trying to get someone is trouble when the chief chiefs away. . i plead to the 5th lol.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
This whole thing is comedy. Why did you ask the question if you are completely opposed to taking the answer everyone is giving? You obviously want us to say to grow trees and fuck the police so here it is... Grow Trees and FUCK THE POLICE!!!

Common sense dictates that you cant dictate common sense.

and with that its different around here with the cops if u know what i mean. they get what they can on you, for blackmail. crooked i tell you..crooked..i guess i took it a little to seriously then realized where i live and who the cops are..