ok so is this enuf light

i have one female ( femminezed seed) she is 4 weeks old kinda short but very bushy ( yay ) its an indica strian not sure other than that id post pics but RIU wont let me ( damn ) ne way i have two out take fans up top and one intake fan at bottom i have 3 100w cfl ( they are the 23w energy savers ) they are the daylight style( light blue light) on one plant in a 1 1/2 ft x 1 /12ft x 5 ft tall box lined in foil so will this be enough ????

The Don


Well-Known Member
I dont wanna get harassed by the CFL crews but 69 watts dont sound like enough. THEY WILL GROW BUT WILL NOT PRODUCE AS MUCH YIELD OR DENSE A NUGG AS A MH OR HPS. But no you might want like 6 on her. how tall ya finishin it at?


Well-Known Member
yea for vegg ur good. Lumens dont mean shit if the light isnt strong enough to penetrate layers of foliage,plus all those lumens are not all going to the plant.light spreads out and loses strength the farther from the bulb.In all directions. Im not downing ur grow but if you like lumens, a 400w MH has 35,000...give or take by brand.


Well-Known Member
i do nt factor in watts or ne thing i fator up lumens and she has over 5,000 on her soley
StonedBlownSkiller has the right idea! Your 5,000+ lumens are being spread out over a area of 2.25 sq.ft. (under ideal conditions?). That's below minimum!

You should have at least 2 more - better yet, 4 more, for a total of 8 CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Dont wanna offend the CFL crew coz i did start on them aswell but now only for vegging and side lighting in these 2 cases they fucking great. For flowering they just dont pack enuff, go for a 250 watt hps man i did and you wud not believe the buds iv been getting since and iv only got 5ft headroom. There honestly not that hot my plants have been 3 inches away and did not even get stressed at all or burnt. Just have a little6 inch fan blowin on it for added security.


Well-Known Member
Many places off the net just look for a site better suited to where you live, mine cost me bout £70 and thats nothing when you see the buds these bad boys give your plant.


Well-Known Member
You can get a 400w hps from HTG supply for about 220 bucks. I still have mine I started out with a couple years ago.They work good for the money. With light comes heat, so you will need to think about some kind of ventilation.