Old mushroom question


Active Member
I found abt a 1/2 oz of mushrooms in a compartment from my old bookbag. They are probably three years old.
Can I still make tea with them, or should I just toss them?


Well-Known Member
If they are properly dried and you can see no mold on them im sure its fine.

But i dont know how potent they willl be? Do u have a picture of the 3 year old mushrooms? What kinda conditions where they in?

Hmm i would probably go for it if they look fine and bruise blue still.

Also where they homegrown or brought?


Well-Known Member
here a h/o is 50 bucks .
personally I wouldnt risk it for 50 bucks .
thats just me though . what were they sitting in ? plastic bag ? jar ?
or just your backpack ?