Old School Hash Making ???


Active Member
The afgans have been making hash for a long long time. They use a screen over a bowl and a bag over that with the plant materal under the second bag on top of the screen. The wrap it all real tight and then the beat the bag with sticks to know off the crystals. What I want to know is does the plant material have to be dry? I have heard that if you freeze the leaves the crystals will become brittle and break off easy but can you just skip the drying before you freeze and then bang them or should they be dry the frozen.. If you don't know please don't give an opinion. Thanks....


Elite Rolling Society
I always heard they got 13 year old virgins to cover their naked bodies with honey and run naked up and down between the rows of pot plants.

The trichs come off easier AFTER the plants are long dead and dried is how they do it, I think.

I freeze mine.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
You can beat a fresh plant all day, the only thing you'll end up with is a squishy, sticky, mess.

It would have to be dry.


Active Member
I said no opinions and that is what I got. Rose you did not say if freezing would work and dc you did not say if freezing would do anything either. That sort of was the question. I know you can dry they and it will work. Thanks and try again, once more please just the facts maam just the facts...... :hump:
You can beat a fresh plant all day, the only thing you'll end up with is a squishy, sticky, mess.

It would have to be dry.


hand rubbed hash is great to. hand rubbed hash is much like scissor hash.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Breathe in, breathe out. OOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM lol

Dude, you can freeze it if ya like. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're talking about making hash in about the absolute least effective way. Yeah ChiTown, hand rubbing might just be better than this method.

And I doubt they had freezers 1000 yrs ago in Afghanistan, so that should give ya a pretty good idea of whether or not it has to be frozen first. Shit I bet they still don't have freezers! Or did wikipedia say the ancient Afghans froze it first? lol The fact that nobody uses this method anymore should be an indication of it's usefulness in today's society.

Not trollin', just keepin' it real.


Elite Rolling Society
I said no opinions and that is what I got. Rose you did not say if freezing would work and dc you did not say if freezing would do anything either. That sort of was the question. I know you can dry they and it will work. Thanks and try again, once more please just the facts maam just the facts...... :hump:

I said I freeze mine. They fall off a thousand times more easier. I refreeze them two times and get another batch of Kief each time.