On Growing Shrroms?


Well-Known Member
first off i would like to ask is there a place to buy mushroom growing kits in the usa? also how do u get the spores and can u get them sent to usa without any trouble with laws and all that? an answer would greatly be appreciated.
thank you


Well-Known Member
spores101.com delivers to the us, all but cali, georga, or idaho, and im told they have very thick spore solutions for a good price, if you need info on growing search for the "pf tek" on google, or check the link in my signature. spores101 also sells kits, though it's so cheep and easy to use pf tek you really don't need too, though you might get a higher yield.


Well-Known Member
yeah spores don't have any psilisyblin, the illegal substance, so can be sold legally, once you innoculate a substrate with them though, bam! felony! lol but seriously they don't smell and only need a few hour of house light a day, how much more stealth can you get? as long as your not dumb about it, tripping balls in public, telling all your friends, or selling or transporting the mushrooms around town, the chances of getting caught are next to zero.