On my ppm meter...do I go by the 500 or 700?


Active Member
It says ec x 500 or ec x 700? Not sure which one to go by. Also, I dunno if I'm doing this right, it can't be difficult in the slightest bit, but I mixed all my nutes and it read 700-800 so I was good...then after I water everything, I read it again and it said something like 1300-1400. I dunno. It's not rocket science. Lol. I mixed it all really well....then I put in a airator to mix it up a lil better and those are the readings I got. Any ideas? The ppm meter is a truncheon. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm assuming that's why several days ago when I watered and nutes them, the stems turned a deep purple color. They more or less stayed where they were, now there's a bit of green coming through and showing new growth...I just don't wanna be where I was again last week. Help! I love you all. Lolol