ONA Odor Stop Dispenser


Does anybody have any experience with these?


Would this be a good alternative to buying an inline fan/carbon scrubber? I'm not really feeling the conspicuousness and the amount of room taken up by an inline fan and carbon filter, as I plan to prop the fan on top of my Growlab 80 because of space constraints.

I'm looking to buy a fan for my GrowLab 80, which will only accommodate up to 5" duct tubing. These things accommodate 4" duct tubing and put out 225 CFM, higher than the 178 CFM on the high-output 4" can-fans, and supposedly they are "compact, quiet, and inconspicuous". And they can ventilate and eliminate odor at the same time with ONA gel attached.

Would anybody suggest I buy this as an alternative to the inline can-fan/carbon filter combo?