One of Gary's saddest days...


Well-Known Member
I don’t know you that well, but I understand what you’re going through. I took care of my grandma before she died. She had a popular surgery for her time when she was younger which was getting a portion of your small intestine removed in order to lose weight. This coupled with some genetic tendencies caused her bones to be fragile and covered in tiny fractures, she was in pain constantly. But I could still make her smile. I’m so sorry, but you’re there for him and that’s all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Hang in there Gary. I wish I had something wise and comforting to say, but all I got is love and prayers. Grandpa's are the best I loved mine with all my heart, he was a mean brutal WWII vet, but he was good to us ( me and my two brothers ) he kelp us out of the orphanage as much as possible . And with no income he still provided a home and food when nobody else would.

Grandpa's rock! God bless him.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel bro.. you are not alone. I have 2 sisters that are terminal and my father died 5 years ago on Christmas eve. I too hold it together for my family, but when i am alone, i cry. You have to let that out bro. You will feel better.. go and let the tears flow free.. let it all out.. it will make the coming days bearable. It is somewhat preparing yourself for what you are about to go thru. I feel for you.. walk in peace ..I'm sure gramps is very proud of you ..hold your head high. This is to everyone.. Hug and tell the ones you love how much you appreciate them ..
Peace and love to all... Pete