One Seed Two Plants?! WTF


Well-Known Member
what up all rollitup guys i just sproud it this bubba 76 and it looks like to plants came out of one seed!, should i pull one off ,will leaving two plants in one pot cause and future problems with the roots?DSCF5446.jpg


Well-Known Member
That rocks. If you keep them in a big enough pot they should be fine, I could be wrong though. I've never seen that. Good luck man!


Active Member
what up all rollitup guys i just sproud it this bubba 76 and it looks like to plants came out of one seed!, should i pull one off ,will leaving two plants in one pot cause and future problems with the roots?View attachment 2020455
what?!thats such a trip dude.Itd be even more of a trip if both are attached to the same tap root,if thats even possible,but than again,idk whats possible anymore after this thread.:-P


what up all rollitup guys i just sproud it this bubba 76 and it looks like to plants came out of one seed!, should i pull one off ,will leaving two plants in one pot cause and future problems with the roots?
I'd say that you just smoked a really good stuff and digged two roots in one pot ;) Anyway good look with that and keep us upto date how's your chicks.


Well-Known Member
I had a an extra sprout like this out of my last grow. 2 plants out of one seed.

For the record it did not end well. The big one went hermi on me & the bastard one grew all fuked up. the whole base of the plant was covered in popcorn buds but it never matured or anything. grew very dark green for some reason.

I would toss it out if it happened to me again. I wasted 3 months :) well, not wasted, learning is never a waste I guess..


Total Head

Well-Known Member
i hate to be a debbie downer but i've seen this a lot of times and i'm about to spoil the ending.

one will live and one will die. after a week or two you will probably be able to tell which one is going to survive.

if you really want to try to get them both to live the only suggestion i have is burying the stem a bit more once they get a little taller. you might get a few extra roots that could keep them both healthy.

when it happened to me i never did determine whether they were growing from 2 root sets or both feeding off the same root ball. i've seen seeds that sprouted 2 tails so perhaps there are in fact 2 root sets.

the smoke was great from the surviving twin, so don't worry about the quality. it will be what it's supposed to be. my plant grew all fucked up and goofy but smoked just fine.


Active Member
def split them up... that post up there worries me could be retard genetics..if they dont look right after a lil growing toss em out. ..hey whats the strain and seed source?..i dont wana go buying retard genetics myself so...


Well-Known Member
sophies choice...pick one and decapitate the other. nah. if it were me i would try to split em up and plant both. cheap bastard that i am:P


Well-Known Member
I had 3 out of 4 qleaner seeds come up twins. Some are equal twins, some are big/small twins. Mine survived till i killed them off do to plant numbers. I did keep one of the runt twins, and am growing it now. it has some mutations and is polyploid/ triploid. see qleaner jounal below for pics.


Active Member
A buddy had this happen. I really don't think it was from a different seed. They both share a root system so you cant split them. Both grew fine for him but one was always stealing the others light especially when they grew plus 4 feet tall. I say if you have the room let it grow out. just lst them away from each other a bit so they don't fight for light forever. Mutations are very rarely a good thing when growing plants but this one isn't that bad. If you count these two plants as one they should yield the same or slightly more than a normal plant of the same strain. Don't expect double yield. Since they most likely share the same root system it can only supply so much energy.


Split them up quick and you should be good. I just had this happen in my first grow ever and both plants survived. One is harvested and smoked and the runt is still flowering. When my seed sprouted two plants i seemingy got two diff phenos and the runt seemed to grow a bit slower than its sister!


Well-Known Member
def split them up... that post up there worries me could be retard genetics..if they dont look right after a lil growing toss em out. ..hey whats the strain and seed source?..i dont wana go buying retard genetics myself so...
or possibly a great pheno!


Well-Known Member
def split them up... that post up there worries me could be retard genetics..if they dont look right after a lil growing toss em out. ..hey whats the strain and seed source?..i dont wana go buying retard genetics myself so...
emerald triangle!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
Dude that is f'ed i never saw that before.. Personally i would leave them to their own devices...but try and grow them out it could be a new super strain ;)

One of the Chocolate seeds i've got sprouting came out of the shell with 3 leaves, but its only slightly wierd looking.



Well-Known Member
the plants are not attached i saw two roots when the seed cracked, the plants look healthy i guess im going to have to pull one out i dont have room for the other one.... i hope get the good one and not a hermieDSCF5448.jpgbefore and after i pulld the shellDSCF5449.jpg