One week from seed, how do they look


Active Member
HI, Here are a few pictures, bad quality i know, but take a look at them and tell me what you think. As i said they are about one week from seed. I have two 40w cool white flouro's sitting about three inches from plants. My grow "room" is above the ceiling in the bathroom, its kinda hard to explain, but it actually works out pretty good for now, good air flow and it stays around 78 degrees. Im looking for any comments on when i should transplant, the earlier the better....right? This is my first grow and im not expecting much more then to learn how to do this. Any advise or comments are much appreciated, i will also post more pictures as they grow.



Active Member
i just went ahead and posted all the pics, sry so many. Also i didnt mention, there r five plants total in the windowbox(2 1/2'x8")


Active Member
how much vertical space do you have? they look ok but i would have the lights even closer like mabe an inch away. if your vertical space is limited(i assume it is) and you plan on using those lights the whole time you should bud them soon like within the next week or week and a half. just my 2 cents. also how big are your pots?


Active Member
how can i bud them so soon, just cut the lights back to 12/12. Right now they are 20/4. I am limited on vertical space so the sooner they can bud the better. I plan on moving them to the attic when i transplant, unless i can grow a plant thats a foot tall and still have a decent yield. I dont have final pots yet so if you have any advise on how big is big enough. Bottom line, i am trying to get from point A to point B in the quickest time.