only 3-4 leaves turning yellow and brown??


Active Member
Hey guys. This is my first CFL grow. I have 4 plants about 2 1/2 feet tall, currently on day 32 of flower under about 500w of 2700k and 6500k mixed light. The heat is constant 74-78 F and upper 60s during dark. They are growing in 1 gal pots in FFoF and I use FF nutes. I am not exactly sure of the strain because it's bag seed. Anyway, I have one plant that has maybe 3-4 water leaves that have yellowed as you can see in the picture attached. Is it nute burn? I follow the fox farm nute schedule to the T, except I haven't done the sledgehammer flush yet, which I probably should, yeah? I heard some yellowing in flower is normal because a lot of energy is going to make the buds and not the rest of the plant? Is that true? How do I counter this?



Well-Known Member
Dude, you CANNOT follow what is written in ink.
Read your plants!
Sometimes they want more or less.
'Yellowing in flower' shouldn't be expected until later on, way more than 32 days in.
Closer to 60 days or so.
To me, starting to look like hungry, in the bottom leaf and the 10 and 4 leaves.
See your long white hairs?
You still got a few weeks of flower to go, so she shouldn't be eating herself like that.
My bad, I didn't ask about your PH.
It may easily be that you're feeding enough, but your PH is off.