Opened up a mg soil bag already had bugs in it?


Well-Known Member
I just bought a bag of MG organic choice from my walmart and when i opened up the bag there was little fly type bugs flying around out of the bag and crawling in the soil is this a bad thing? should i return the soil?

Did I just spread those insects to my other plants?

or is this normal?


Active Member
:fire:BUGS R BAD!
I have bought numerous bags from walmart and other stores similiar and have never had bugs. That is normally not a good thing. Just go buy another bag and throw that one away....


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, but its pretty common with MG organic. I bought 4 small bags of MG organic because Im lazy (its for 2 mother plants) Anyway, nice cheap soil, its not bad, except for the fucking Fungus Knats. I spent $70 on Nematodes because I already had plants in the soil, but if you noticed them before using it theres a few things you can do to kill the knats and Knat larvae in the soil.

Easiest thing to do would be to pour the soil in a container outside and let it completely dry out for several days. Fungus knats and larvae need moiste soil to survice. Another option I head of recently is to Freeze the soil for at least 4 days. I will kill any bugs in the soil. You can also buy Nematodes, they are predatory bugs, you mix them with water (like sea monkeys) and they will live in the soil munching on any bugs or bug larvae. They are great for getting the larvae in the bottom 1/3 of the soil for planted plants.

Theres a few chemical products, but if you havent planted yet I would use on of the simpler methods. Dry it out good, then freeze it for a few days and you will be fine.

Its good soil...its too bad it has the knats.



Well-Known Member
Ok great, ill try that out dump it into a 5 gallon bucket and hopefully it'll kill all them off, will there dead bodies in the soil be a problem?


Well-Known Member
Ok great, ill try that out dump it into a 5 gallon bucket and hopefully it'll kill all them off, will there dead bodies in the soil be a problem?
Just some extra As long as they are totally dead then they dont need to eat your plants and they cant reproduce.

Put up sticky cards to catch the fliers!! You dont want any of those flying fuckers to lay eggs on any of your other babies.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha good idea thanks man. I'm still new and I keep running into shit tons of problems, one after another.
Welcome to the world of Growing..:lol:

Problems are normal, but every problem you learn to deal with when growing makes the next crop just a bit easier.
