
Hi guys I'm new on this site . Im growing my first autoflower plant and I would like some feedback on how I'm doing so far. I got a automazar on the way it's 10 days old grow under a cfl 200 w 20 hours of light . There's a couple of pics on my profile cheers !


Looking like a nice baby :) Let us know if you need any help.

Peace out

Hi guys I'm new on this site . Im growing my first autoflower plant and I would like some feedback on how I'm doing so far. I got a automazar on the way it's 10 days old grow under a cfl 200 w 20 hours of light . There's a couple of pics on my profile cheers !
Im using biobizz nutrients its an organic fertilizer, i heard the weed taste better, so i bought BioGrow, BioBloom and TopMax from that brand. But i heard that guano its pretty good in a flower bed growing system! yeah got two pc fan one blows in and another blows out plus an extra fan a bit more powerfull to simulate the wind and muscle up the plant like that she can grow big and strong to carry big buds for her daddy !lol
the pot is about 15 to 20 litre. Happy growing!