Ordering soil online


Well-Known Member
Has anyone done this in the states? If so how does that reflect on you?
Like anyone ordering some foxfarms ocean forest, its a lil obvious what
they plan on doin with it. Anything to worry about really?


Well-Known Member
nope why would it u we might just want good soil for ur bell pepers and tomatoes but id only order it if u dont have a local hydro store shipping cant be the best with each bag weight like 20-40 pounds$$ but if not ur perfectly safe ordering online


Well-Known Member
nope why would it u we might just want good soil for ur bell pepers and tomatoes but id only order it if u dont have a local hydro store shipping cant be the best with each bag weight like 20-40 pounds$$ but if not ur perfectly safe ordering online
yeah i noticed on the shipping thing.
thx man, those would be some bomb
ass tomatoes btw lol..


Well-Known Member
don't order soil online unless your just starting off big and can fund a realy good deal on it but if not then just go to a store and buy some


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why everyone gets so paraoid about ordering anything, too much TV ?

What else have you ordered online and been paranoid about ? You can probably fiond an illegal use for about anything you've ever ordered yet you aren't concerned about those purchases.