Organic Bud can Look Better then hydro!


Well-Known Member
where can I buy some good organic soil? hydro is ok, but takes up alot of time when in flowering and sometimes I haven't got that time to give. I've always been a dirt bag when growing and dabbled in hydro at times , but never done it in organic. Thanks!!!!!
Go to lowes and get a bag of peat moss, bag of perlite, bone meal, blood meal, bag of lime. Mix each one a about 1tbl per gallon and wet with water mixed with molasses(1tpl per gallon) and let it sit for 2 weeks. You wont need to feed your plants for a little while:weed:

you could also use guano instead or in addition to the blood and bone meal


Well-Known Member
It is natural stuff and how is it inhumane? If anything its the opposite, the animal is already dead so making the most out of its remains seems like the best thing to do to me


Well-Known Member
It is natural stuff and how is it inhumane? If anything its the opposite, the animal is already dead so making the most out of its remains seems like the best thing to do to me

no its not bro, its nasty. a livity of a true rastafari dosent consist of slaughtreing animals by the thousands in a shed, and the grinding of the remains to gro ganja.

you can get just as good of a bud by not useing it is all im saying. i dont want ta get into this cause its not the place. its better then chemicals and your point about not wasting the remains is true. but man does it stink....


Well-Known Member
I hear what your saying but i eat meat so i cant be a hypocrite. But i do believe guanos are better i only say blood and bone because they can be bought most places


Well-Known Member
I hear what your saying but i eat meat so i cant be a hypocrite. But i do believe guanos are better i only say blood and bone because they can be bought most places

yah its all good, like i said better then chems right? lol stay up bro.


Well-Known Member
jason king, the author of the cannabibles, talks nonstop about how much better organicly grown weed is than any hydro or synthetic grown. i used organic soil and everything but ive been usin Soul Synthetics by aurora which has "organic properties" but is still synthetic for slightly bigger yields. after this grow i'll probably go to fox farm to go completely organic


Well-Known Member
i mix my own soil up.its cheap and its good has done very well for me..i get 4 bags of potting soil from around a buck fifty a bag of moo doo compost...mix it to the bags of potting soil..add a couple of handfulls of garden the mix and mix it all together real well..then i mix in around 40 percent pearlite to that...the garden lime is full of calcium and magnesium..and all kinds of other good stuff for your plant and the PH of your soil will not go over 7 using lime in the run off is at 6.8..some people complain about cheap soil having bugs..i havnt had a problem..but then again i spray down every month or so with avid in veg and before it goes to bud..last time i didnt spray anything..i just bombed the room with co2 over night...cause i dont like to have say though you could put together for under 30 dollars at least 5 cubic ft of planting medium....there are a million ways though..some people like moss and bat quano.....moo doo is cheap..and i really like it..a buck fifty a carefull mixin some of the bat guano's...they can be powerfull..and can burn:leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey, I'm new to the forum but have been lurkin' around gaining knowledge for some time now..

I just harvested my first plant, a blue widow named Martha. She's completely organic (Foxfarm liquids and powders, super plant tonic, hygrozyme, molasses)

Using a DIY ebb and flow system.. check my pics out.

Let me know what you all think. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
nice bro, kinda looks a little pre tho, but i cant really tell from the pic, neway nice work bro. and keep with the organics, once you can smoke a little marth you will know why.

rastafar InI

Well-Known Member
Soil is free!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah so is air and water!!! YOU can bake your compost or soil in the oven to sterilize it, The best soil comes from the earth believe it or not try that first.
Store bought Organic soil should be sterilized to reduce pests, like fungus gnats, and spider mites.

I take minor issue with baking soil..though its not nearly as bad as chemicals!
{NOTE:this rant is directed at no particualr individual! it's a systemic problem.}
I see people on RIU going batshit over friut flies, and other bugs. I wish I had a video microscope- I could be the steve irwin of the growroom! sure! I've got all kinds of bugs! my spiders need food! when nature is in balance, the vegetarians do not run the show...they're food for cryin' out loud! barring the occasional biblical horde of locust, pests can be controlled by: a) not freaking out about the insect world. b) not dousing with petrochemicals- if it kills bugs, that's not the only thing it's bad for! and then you're gonna' smoke it?!!! don't give me that 'rinsed off' crap! and then you've totally fubar-ed the web of life! way to go numbnuts! c) petrochemical fert's(BAD!).... the web of life is not connected by crazy glue! science has only begun scratching the surface of the ULTRA complex world of nature. living organisms produce enzymes, hormones, and other sructures developed over millions of years....there's no way that funk's or monsanto can cook up anything even remotely close... it just aint gonna' happen! if you have bug problems, you have other- more pressing problems...fix your head! "bugs" aren't bad- idiotic ways of viewing the world and living away from symbiosis- now THAT's bad! you take apart one of my peat pots, and you'll find: worms, wood roaches(pill bugs), earwigs, etc. ...above, each spider has its A.O.(area of operations)...and that's indoor. frit flies? sure... that's the spiders' fav' snack. my plants are very healthy because there's zero poison, the plant food is organic, and also 'cooked' in a compost pile. one or 2 leaves are left as snacks for the vegetarians(they'll leave the rest alone, and the predators have a convenient"watering hole" to ambush). if you have a well fed army, you won't have bug problems...or you can be an idiot, and buy into the dangerously foolish petro- chemical ideology that has destroyed our connection to nature, and poisoned 3 generations of man. you think I'm ranting? this is as serious as serious gets! you're either in or your out.


Well-Known Member
what is everyones ave yield in caparison to hydro? that may be the biggest upside to hydro,.....but I would rather have better taste


Well-Known Member
dude your a master at the big yeilders, and it looks danky, how tall was she in veg befor you switched her? thanks for showin how oranics can match up to hydro n chem nutes.