Organic Coco Clone Nutrient Deficiency Troubleshoot


Alright, I'm in need of a guidance on some deficiencies my clones are having. They're 5 weeks in and have taken a turn for the worse nutrient-wise.

It's a 50% Coco 50% hydrostone grow with organic nutes from Meigs with Mammoth P. I'm following their feeding chart to the T and can't pinpoint what they're lacking. Within the past week all of the "green" is getting sapped from them and the two clones are yellowing. It's been difficult to pinpoint the issues. However the auto is doing just fine!

Feeding: all organic liquid nutes- Grow (N-2,P-2,K-1) @ 15ml/gal, the rest are just the amendments (root mass XL, Photo-max XL, Sul- CAL-Mag). I water with the nutes 1x/week, and the rest of the time is water ph'd to 6ph by apple cider vinegar 2x/week, watered to a little runoff.

What problems do you guys think that they're having? (The two images are 7 days apart).
IMG_2427.JPG IMG_2440.JPG meigs feeding chart.png

Hi crazii

Active Member
My advise is re-pot the whole thing into bigger pots, and add some soil, increase the calmag, but feed less potassium as coco naturally will release it. I don't know for sure but I'm sure organics are only meant to be fed to soil, so the soil can buffer it out. You might also have a ph lockout.

Worth a try, but I ain't no expert either.