'Organic' May Not Be Healthier.


Well-Known Member
everybody knows chicago deep dish is were its at. and weed in new york is expensive has hell even beasters

and we got yall beat on hotdogs to lol
Fuck chitown man.Ny bud is cheap, 5 a gram, 10 for 3 grams, 10 for 1 gram exotic and 25 for mids(i don't fuck with those). Chicago will rape your butt with their prices. New York has better transeportation and higher salaries. Hotdogs? Blah we got fuckj g sandwiches that will blow your mind.


Well-Known Member
any nor cal growers in this thread? i feel alone on this! =P
but realy noone can say for suuuree. i dont even know how good of a cultivator u are, indoor or outdoor. strains, harvest size, so really i know nothing about your skills so its allll speculation


Well-Known Member
duuuuude illinios, really??
thats a joke.
come to norcal, smoke some of the masterfully grown trinity circle buds, then i will take u seriously.
(for the record, forgive me if i come off as an asshole.)

im curious as to what strains u grow.
i challenge u to a growers quizz!!! see what u knowww =P
j/k, im sure ur grows come out dank as fukkkk =]

and as far as ny goes....really? i have family there bro, i know what the "dank" is like.. dont kid yourself.
okay, i wont take you as an asshole if you do me the same.

im sick to fucking death of cali people thinking that theres something magic in the fucking smog over there that makes you grow better weed than anybody else in the country. indoors is indoors is in-fucking-doors. it doesnt matter if you grow in cali or goddamn venezuela. the only reason everybody thinks cali's compost heap dont stink is because you can be so open and proud of your product. youve also got easier access to clone-only's but other than that youreally dont have any other advantage over the rest of the country.

im diggin this convo but i got shit to do. ill be back in the morning.:joint::peace:


Fuck chitown man.Ny bud is cheap, 5 a gram, 10 for 3 grams, 10 for 1 gram exotic and 25 for mids(i don't fuck with those). Chicago will rape your butt with their prices. New York has better transeportation and higher salaries. Hotdogs? Blah we got fuckj g sandwiches that will blow your mind.

your out of your witts doggy

try 700 a pound for decent ass mids. 2800 a pound for triple aaa beasters {the waaay better b.c.} and 3500 a p for shit you would not beleave.

shit you can get anything here cheap.

fuck new york


Well-Known Member
lmao 40 an eighth in nor cal.
name the strain it gets grown here.
we got everything from Blue Dream(Dj Shorts BlueberryXSuper Silver Haze) to Quirkel (Space QueenX Purple Erkle)
i just have a gut feeling that u dont even know about the quality herb that is produced here.
i should post a pic of my gardennn.....


cali is lame to i had people comming from the bay area out this way to grab china white for waaaay $$$$ cuzz all yall have is tar. big biddness on drugs here.


Well-Known Member
FYI: Your chem/organic blend is pure chemical. Microorganisms cannot survive in an environment where synthetic NPK is added. It kills the soil and gives the plant the minimal 3 needs. If you doubt me, throw some red wrigglers into your soil, use your chem/organic blend and see if you can find them after you harvest.
I'm glad you see it my way, Slickwill.:hump:


Well-Known Member
indoors is indoors is indoors. were on the same page. but indoors ISNT outdoors, and our outdoor is better then any indoor. artificial light isnt the sun, and will never be as good. and where do u get off calling the sierra nevadas a smog polluted compost heap. it is beautiful in these mountains, and the clearest sky u can imagine. so you can think what you want so id have to say your ignorrant for thinking where i reside and grow is
"dirty" have u seen chicago? enough said.

i love this thread


Well-Known Member
You guys are like a bunch of 17 year olds comparing your dicks. Dank is subjective. Harsh is a matter of opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder. There's always going to be somebody here to one-up you. Always.


Well-Known Member
im sorry if i got out of hand, i just dont like people calling this beautiful mountain "dirty"
talk about cali herb all u want, but when u take the raw beauty of this place and call it garbage i take offense,


Well-Known Member
I've never thought of "organic" foods as being somehow nutritionally superior. The whole point of eating organic is that the food isn't covered in chemicals! That's the reason they're "healthier". What's with the spin? I've never heard anyone claim that organic foods are nutritionally superior to "conventionally" grown foods (I like how they call them "conventional" as if we'd been spraying our crops with toxic chemicals since the dawn of time or something), so honestly this "report" shouldn't surprise anyone.

Now, if the test had been which crop contained traces of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that could be potentially hazardous - then organics are clearly a better choice. Not for nutrition, but for peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you see it my way, Slickwill.:hump:
refresh my memory.... i thought we were disagreing

You guys are like a bunch of 17 year olds comparing your dicks. Dank is subjective. Harsh is a matter of opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder. There's always going to be somebody here to one-up you. Always.
well said. and besides, did i ever say my bud was better than anyones? or that anyones was inferior? no, i just said that its not just cali that grown bomb weed. there is no invisible force radiating from the fault lines that grows you guys better weed.

im sorry if i got out of hand, i just dont like people calling this beautiful mountain "dirty"
talk about cali herb all u want, but when u take the raw beauty of this place and call it garbage i take offense,
i thought we werent taking offense here though. wasnt that the deal?


Well-Known Member
any nor cal growers in this thread? i feel alone on this! =P
but realy noone can say for suuuree. i dont even know how good of a cultivator u are, indoor or outdoor. strains, harvest size, so really i know nothing about your skills so its allll speculation
exactly my point. im not speculating on your skills/abilities so id appreciate if you didnt speculate on mine.

and as far as my skills, ive documented some of my growing rather well right here. try the link in my sig. its all old as ive grown bored of posting in that grow journal, but theres several rounds of my grow in there.


Well-Known Member
You are right, organic is a joke now. That is because the government now owns and controls the word. Due to the huge corporate growers and payoffs, they are allowing chemicals back into their approved list.

FYI: Your chem/organic blend is pure chemical. Microorganisms cannot survive in an environment where synthetic NPK is added. It kills the soil and gives the plant the minimal 3 needs. If you doubt me, throw some red wrigglers into your soil, use your chem/organic blend and see if you can find them after you harvest.
yeah, OMRI is practically the mob!:fire:

i dont use soil. RW/hydroton blend.


Well-Known Member
yeah, OMRI is practically the mob!:fire:

i dont use soil. RW/hydroton blend.
OMRI is nothing more than an advisory council that works in accordance with the USDA National Organic Program, which is run by the government, silly boy. The Department of Agriculture is basically the mob, who has permitted the rape of this land since it's inception. Read up.

Well the worm trick won't work then, but that doesn't change anything. You can only go one way or the other so stop wasting your money, really.


Well-Known Member
Lots of misinformation / misunderstanding what "organic" is. Organic foods are still covered in pesticides. In some cases much more toxic than non-organic pesticides.

"Contrary to what most people believe, "organic" does *not* automatically mean "pesticide-free" or "chemical-free". In fact, under the laws of most states, organic farmers are allowed to use a wide variety of chemical sprays and powders on their crops."

"The main point to remember about organic pesticides is that they are not necessarily low toxicity and environmentally safer than synthetic pesticides, but most are."

Organic nutes aren't all they are cranked up to be either:
I was just reading Keith Roberto's "How-to Hydroponics" this morning and he mentions on page 32 that he DOES NOT like using organic nutes at all because "Organic nutrients require the actions of bacteria to decompose the constituent material so unless there is an oxygen rich "home" for these bacteria within the system, the nutrients will not break down and leave your plants undernourished." I really wish I could copy and paste the whole section with photo's because it is insightful; but the pdf is locked.