organic SoG set-up


Active Member
i'm the definition of a newbie to growing so please forgive me for any stupid questions

Questions :

1. is it even possible to have a 16 plant SoG set-up using organic soil ?

2. how many different sections will i need to be able to harvest 16 plants every month ?

3. am i just a crazy newbie for even thinking about this set-up ?

my main goal is to have a indoor set-up that produces atleast a pound a month
i have 2 spare rooms in my house for my complete set-up. I live alone.
1 room is 10x12 and the other is 12x12. there is also a 4x8 bathroom in between them.

here is the list of equipment i have bought in the last 3 months

2 1000 watts eye hortilux super hps bulb

2 sun system cool sun reflector 6" air cooled

2 sets of motorized reflector hangers

1 4ft. 8 bulb T5 light ( 8 6500k - 8 3000k )

1 Can-Filter activated carbon air filter w/6 inch flange & exhaust fan

8 different types and size of room fans

Next on the to buy list

2 ballast ( not sure if i should buy electronic or magnetic )

organic potting soil - organic fertilizers - perlite ( don't know what brand to use yet )

pots ( dont know what size to get yet )

ph water tester & soil tester - moisture meter

4 timers

let me know if i need any other important equipment

Any help will be very much appreciated :mrgreen:


Active Member
not 100% but i believe sog is based on 5 plants giving 6 clones a piece to make up a 30 plant table and in return once you got it right it would yield lb. per 2 weeks per 1 table if you got 16 plants you might be looking more to choose the best 15 and clone of em and make 3 tablesI DONT GUARANTEE WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE HERE


Well-Known Member
SoG can be done in any size, big or small. from what I've read, it involves having many smaller plants, flowering only the top 2/3's of the plant. you end up using a lot of soil, because it's not good to reuse the same soil after finishing a grow. this is why hydroponics is better suited for this. pretty much a definition from memory.. if you still give it a try, I wish you luck with your grow :)