Organic soil with Flora Grow indoors


New Member
So what is everyone using for organic bug killer, all the sudden getting lots of nats or whatever they are on the soil and or but not on the plant yet that I can see. Thanks


New Member
Day 20 Transplanted last week into a Hydrobuilder 24" x 24" x 63" tent got all the lighting set up, 2 100w CFL 1600 lumens each , 4 60w CFL 1170 lumens each with webcam monitoring and remote temp sensor, and all seem 3 seem healthy but my first plant isn't looking great, the other plants are already catching up her very fast. SOS, Help. want to save her before she dies. Let me make a note that they are also small for their age compared the many grows journals I have read.
I have tried to correct the ph 6.50, 50/50 tap, Ro, even added a bit of h202 to a new gallon of water to oxygenate the roots and help with any root rot, even flushed out the old nutsm i should have waited to give her, been unable to diagnose what is going on, i'm a bit frustrated, I for one never thought growing a plant would be this difficult, these darn plants are temperamental lol
Any helpful ideas, feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong, or not doing correctly.


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New Member
Not sure whats going on with these now, but out of ideas. 3 of them were looking real good, then bam started turning brown. My first one looks hell bad now, complete brown leaves. the reading that i have done has not given me a definitive answer to the many variables that would cause this.



i think your over doing it man... just get some good soil in a cup pop the seed in and put some saran wrap over the cup to make a humid environment. no nutes until it is bigger. the seed has enough packed inside to sustain the first 2 weeks or so. don't worry about ppms and ph until you have a living plant that needs food.


New Member
Thanks, learned my lesson a bit to late they all died, lesson learned. Will start over and update progress once new seeds germ.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
i think your over doing it man... just get some good soil in a cup pop the seed in and put some saran wrap over the cup to make a humid environment. no nutes until it is bigger. the seed has enough packed inside to sustain the first 2 weeks or so. don't worry about ppms and ph until you have a living plant that needs food.
This thread has been entertaining as hell to read!

Personally, I don't think your ready to grow MM!

You learn NOTHING before starting and simply come on here to get "help/instructions" from some unfit to lead a horse to water, let alone answer your questions!

Let ME suggest a cpl of things to do before attempting to grow MM again.

#1: Get an African Violet and READ UP on how to care for it! If you can make that Af. Violet bloom = Your ready to grow MM!
#2: READ up on growing MM!
Here are some great books on the subject that between them. Cover everything from room design and lighting needs to plant and plant needs! 2 of the BEST books on organic there are and at the end of this post a zip file containing Soma's out of print book - Growing organic marijuana Soma style!

GET the others and READ them!

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible: Jorge Cervantes: 9781878823236: Books

Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition: Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis: 9781604691139: Books

Teaming with Nutrients: The Organic Gardener's Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition: Jeff Lowenfels: 9781604693140: Books

Here is your copy of Soma's book. Download the file and open and un-zip it. Then read it and go back to it as often as you like!



New Member
Round 2 they are growing very well. Using 9600 lumens at 6 inches which they actually get around 36000 lux to the plant which they seem to love, watering like every 5 days if cup feels light with regular RO water, with added cal, mag which is added back into the ro water, if not another few days, temps at 75-78 during day. Im on day 10 of soil transplant into organic soil. Nothing else used.


New Member
Lets says I have learned from my mistakes and done my homework this time around, the proof is in the beautiful growth. Thanks for the great grow book Dr Who. All Organic, nothing else added, but dolomite lime for a bit more organic calcium. She's growing fast, with just 2 plants the overwhelming growth after some LST is crazy how big and wide she got.
Had to transplant twice so far because getting root bound, #2 ready for a transplant, #1 in 5 gallon smart pot. No complications besides the flying knats which Im dealing with a cinnamon mxture, smells great too. Neem oil is so strong of a smell overwhelms my whole house so I have limited use.


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New Member
Update, once I put them on a 12 hour cycle, boy did the transition fast to flower. Plants are growing so well, switched to a RO, Molasses, honey, Epson salt and the girls seems to love the extra ingredients. Added a super-cropping picture, some growth pics, super-cropping works wonders to even out the growth.

