Organic soil

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of a soil that comes build already ? Just plant an go is that I'm looking for.
As far as a water and go til the end of harvest .... no not really. There are some pretty good ones that will keep your veg part good though. I will give a word of warning .... Some do run hot on the nitrogen though. It's fine for an established plant but for a young one it will burn the crap out of it.
I know you were looking for pre mixed but if you find a decent one that's not too hot, just buy a bag of ff happy frog bulb food. 3/8/8. It's meant for flowering. Has a lot of great stuff in it and a ton of micros!
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yea the tga supersoil does...or if you can't find that look up supersoil and make your own..,.most times people put like the bottom third of container full Of super soil and the rest the base soil and let the roots grow into it so you don't burn em.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
yes . called . promix xp .. its organic and cheap . best bang for your buck . compare it to fox farm . costing 6 times as much


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm: Ocean Forest or Happy Frog
Black Gold
Roots Organics
EB Stone: Recipe 420
Kellog: Patio Plus

Any of these will do it for you. You'll find both complaints and compliments here about each, but all are quality soils and ready to use out of the bag.