organic source of N


Active Member
I am looking for an organic source of Nitrogen for my soil.
I bougt some blood meal, but then learned that it is dried cow blood. being a vegetarian that is a turn off.

I have worm castings but that is only 1-0-0.
I am growing in worm castings, potting soil, vermiculite, bat guano (didn't know how much of this to add, so I used a 3 tablespoons per plant) and peat moss.

I am concerned I don't have enough nitrogen, a couple of my plants lower leaves turned yellow with some spots, but I think maybe I spilled some water on them, and perhaps it acted like a magnifyer and the light burned them?



Well-Known Member
no you have a nute def feed them more nutes. remember because its ogranics you need to use more then chemicals.

next time pre-mix your soil with more castings your plants can take it. fix this now before you bud them

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
So, you're shocked that blood meal contains blood are you?

Aren't you equally appalled as a vegetarian that those poor worms were enslaved in a sweatshop for their poo?

Not to mention all those bats were kept down by the man for their guano!

My God, the horror!


Active Member
the answer i right under your belt ,,,, PISS i dont know how or why people even know this but human piss is high in N


Well-Known Member
Fresh seaweeds are rich in Nitrogen and release it as it begins to decompose. I use nothing but whats picked up fresh from the beach then allow it to break down before use. STINKS but its very good :-)

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
no you have a nute def feed them more nutes. remember because its ogranics you need to use more then chemicals.

next time pre-mix your soil with more castings your plants can take it. fix this now before you bud them
Correct, ammending your soil before you plant is the best way to supply nutrients IMO. Good advice Ghost

the answer i right under your belt ,,,, PISS i dont know how or why people even know this but human piss is high in N
This is also true, however the ammonia also present in urine causes pretty nasty odurs in an indoor grow, outdoor is not so much of a problem. Not very practical for indoor cultivation however.

Fresh seaweeds are rich in Nitrogen and release it as it begins to decompose. I use nothing but whats picked up fresh from the beach then allow it to break down before use. STINKS but its very good :-)

Hope this helps.
Again, effective organic additive, however the smell could be an issue, and you need to time for decomposition or the sea weed will dissolve and through nutrient levels off in the soil.

Get yourself some insect-eating bat guano (higher in N, ratio usually of 13-1.5-3 or so). 1 tbls per gallon of water and/or 2-3 tbls spread over the top of your plant's soil. Also, if you have recycled coffee grind, they contain high N (N-P-K of 3.1-0.4-0.3 or so) as long as they have been used or had water run through them. Untreated grinds will be high(er) in pH then what cannabis requires. Good luck

KC :leaf:

Well-Known Member
for now, I'd go with guano,or if you can, get some ORGANIC liquid fertilizer, I use earth juice...if you can; build a compost pile for next year, and 'cook' the ingredients in the pile.I also use products(biodynamic) from josephine porter institute(on the web). just don't mention weed to them! the B.D. innoculants are top recommendation.


Well-Known Member
If you want some more information on composting and organic nutrients, not from a bottle, check out the link in my signature. There's a couple methods of composting you can try based on your conditions, availabilities, and your plants needs. Good luck

KC :leaf: